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About uturn2who

  • Birthday 08/26/1971
  1. I supplement my income and since you're an independent contractor you get to take some very nice tax benefits. Also...I have been able to deduct some purchases, mainly equipment, that is used for business purposes. In order to really make some money, you'd have to dedicate your time like a full-time job, be aggressive and know which jobs to take and which ones really suit you. I have tried a w-i-d-e array of jobs and have gotten into a groove of exactly which ones I really enjoy doing.
  2. I've been mystery shopping for a little over a year now and I have found it to be great. Volition.com is where I got my start also and it is a good place to start. I would also recommend going to the Mystery Shopper Providers Association (MSPA) website. They give you a lot of tips and information regarding mystery shopping. They provide certification that the majority of companies accept, if you decide to be certified. It makes a difference with some companies, but there are plenty that do not care whether you are certified or not.
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