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Everything posted by ReillyCheyenne

  1. Hi barghunt and tbean95, nice to meet GDers from my neck of the woods.
  2. Just to let everyone know I am shipping the ad to RossMan on Monday so you can actually see what it looks like sometime next week.
  3. You all are welcome. OK I might have been wrong in saying that we don't usually have an after christmas sale but this is the first good one remember.
  4. Hi so you do you shop at the douglasville TRU?
  5. well, all movies are buy 2 get the third free. b1g1 on all leapfrog leapster and l-max cartridges. b1g1 on all vsmile cartridges. video game blowout $4.99 and up ( some games pictured: GC Baten Kaitos, Metro Prime Echo, Heist, PS2 Dora the Explorer Journey to the Purple Planet,DBZ Sagas, Transformers, Gran Turismo 4, Xbox BloodRayne, PsychoNauts, GBA 2 games in 1 SpongeBob SquarePants) Look for Hundreds of games in store. Up to 75% off select video game accessories ( pictured: PSP pro starter kit, Racing wheel, NDS Pro starter Kits. Up to 50% off end of seson electronics ( Teen tech dvd players($49.99) Craig MP3 players, Craig karaoke machines, Craig cd players, digital cameras, and craig boomboxs). b2g3 free on Dora dollhouse accessories ( excludes dollhouse). b2g3 on all crayola wonder, color explosion and crayola paper. b1g1 50% off on all magnetix, magnaworld, & lightastix sets. 50% off all Fantastic Four action figures, action figure accessories,& action figure role play toys. b1g1 free on all $4.99 wood n things puzzles. b1g1 50% all Thomas wooden railway buildings, bridges, tunnels, & tracks. 20% off all toyboxes & organizers. Save $5 on any huggies diapers, wipes or bath items purchas of $35 or more. 70% off all green tag clearance. Huge Winter Clearance up to 50% off all Holiday Decorations, select toys, and clothing. Starts 12-26-2005 and goes through 12-31-2005. But remember we have to be quiet about this don't go ask your local toysrus b/c I am not supposed to have this ad.
  6. well ask me whatever you need to know. By the way this is the first year they have ever had an after christmas ad
  7. But shh you have to keep it quiet! If you want to know, I have the ad for 12-26,2005. But can't scan. don't have a scanner.
  8. That is hilaraious!! Just what I needed before I go to back to work.
  9. I am in charge of sending back defective returns at my ToysRUs and I know that people out there do "rent" the expensive things like the moonwalks and pools that we sell. They will come in on a Friday and purchase it and then either come back Sunday or Monday and return it sometimes just pulling it out if the ground that morning. It got so bad this year I had to have my managers put up a sign that we would not refund on open box moonwalks or pools because usually there was nothing wrong with them and once you get them out of the little box they come in they never go back in. Also, on the blacklist thing, ToysRUs does it for $200 in a year w/out receipt and we don't control it at the store it is at corp. level b/c the computer will just kick your return out of the system and there is nothing we can do. The reason we do is b/c of people like this one couple who came in 1 day and returned $200 stuff they had and then tried to come in the next day and return almost $300 they had and you could tell it had been laying around for awhile most of it rang up clearance, was dusty, or squashed. We didn't do it for them becaus ethey were just trying to take adavantage of the system. But just a tip TRU can now look up receipts if you paid w/ cash, cc, dc as long as you remember what date you bought the item. Sorry so longwinded.
  10. That is freaking crazy!!! I mean I see that you get all that extra stuff but that is just looney. I am glad bf wants to wait for the PS3 although he wants an old X-BOX so he can play some of the games that only came out for them.
  11. Have you tried ToysRUs. I know we sell some Playmobil back in the Preschool section. If not there check in the Imaginarium section where the Legos are. I can't remember if we have that one or how much it runs if we do but I know we have a lot of Playmobil. Hope this helps.
  12. Just to let you know that Wal-mart starts their people out pretty high because when I started working at TRU 5 years ago I started out at $7/hr, 6 mths later got $.25 then 6 months later another $.25 and then 6 months after that they changed it to $.23 and that is the way it has been since. To break $9/hr I had to get a promotion and then I got my raise right after that. It took me 5 years to get a promotion when someone who had been there for like 3 months got a promotion but then he got fired and I got his job. I have had friends who worked at WalMart tell me that I should go to Wal-Mart but I just got benefits at this job so I am not leaving plus I like the store and people I work for and sometimes the company is really good to us. Oh and by the way to the person who posted earlier about Target's pay I worked there for 1 month back in 99 and they started me off at $6/hr so you are very right in that Target does pay low.
  13. I am with you on that one. I would be afraid to open my power bill come January:cry2:
  14. You know you can always take the $5 off $25 coupon and your receipt back into TRU and get your $5. Hope this helps
  15. I have a good one, when my bf and his brother were little, they were being way to quiet so his mom went to check on them, well my bf had his brother's bottom lip in the scissors and was about to cut it. Boy his mom was mad. She punished them both equally, she punished my bf for doing it and his little brother for being stupid enough to let him do it.
  16. I would call before going to the store because I was picking up my paycheck yesterday and we only had one left and it was on raincheck so call before you go to make sure they have one before wasting gas to find out they have none.
  17. Well the only reason I know they came out in August is b/c I was unloading trucks before I went on maternity leave. I couldn't believe they came out with them. I still haven't seeen a commerical for them though.
  18. I am almost done just need to get a few more presents for DD and bf and stocking stuffers.
  19. I will be going out of town to Ohio to bf's family so they can meet our daughter for the first time.
  20. Just to let everybody know they came out with these in August. I guess they decided to start advertising them now stupid toy companies
  21. I like them both. We have an inflatable snowman out in front of the house. We have a butt wiggling Santa who wiggles to JingleBell Rock on the entertainment center and also a singing christmas tree.:)
  22. I got the HP for $88 at Wal-Mart and it is excellant for what I need. I took a picture of my 2-month old daughter in my bedroom when it was completely dark and everyone that sees it on my camera swears it was taken during the day.
  23. If you got one of those gift cards would they let you use it in the portrait studio?
  24. You definitely want to get the PSP because the graphics are really good. The only complaint I have ever had with it at my work ( I deal with the defective returns at ToysRUs ) is that it only has the 1 speaker and it is not very loud. It is a great game system other than that one complaint.
  25. When I was little all the presents were form Santa. As I got older and started to recongize mom and dad's handwriting we started getting more from mom and dad and less form santa. I am now 22 and still get gifts from my mom (dad passed away last year) with from santa on them. She has always told my three brothers ( 37,27,25 ) and I that if we don't believe in Santa we don't get anything and I think it's fun to believe in Santa ( I work at ToysRUs so I get kid's asking me all the time if I know Santa and of course I do I have a close personal friendship with him.) 2 of my brothers and I have kids now so the Santa thing has been passed down and even though my 3 month old can't read she will be getting all her gifts from Santa.
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