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About ShopperMom

  • Birthday 07/15/1976
  1. I gave the lady in front of me in line outside of TRU some extra handwarmers that I had in my purse. She was extremely thankful and called me her guardian angel! :-)
  2. It keeps telling me that the code has been saved, but it isn' showing any change in my total.
  3. Thanks!
  4. Thanks! I got a 4 pack of Hannah Montana socks for my dd for $4.21.
  5. Looks like toys r Us is going to be my first stop!
  6. Yeah! Thanks!!
  7. Took 2 trys but finally got it to work, thanks!! Says offer is valid until Monday Nov. 19. Took a little work, but worth it in the end!
  8. Yeah, I found the other thread, I'm the one who found the deal and started the other thread, just wasn't sure if this was referring to the same thing. I'm expecting mine on Monday, we'll see what comes.
  9. Which toy were you suppose to get?
  10. Thanks! And shipping was only $2.49!
  11. I agree with the inflated shipping, just wanted to pass it on.
  12. Thanks! Got the mini bread loaf pans for .95 cents after code, plus shipping, total was $7.35! P.S. I got the error page to, gave up, then about 20 minutes later I got my confirmation email.
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