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Everything posted by jungle

  1. Guys, I am interested in Best buy TV 56" DLP Toshiba - BB - 1199.99--------------------------> 56HM66 or 50" Toshiba ------------ BB ---------- 1699.99---------------------------->50HP66 But I do not know what time I should go there, I am newbie and never been to best buy thanksgiving sale so please help me. Is this going to be ticket item?
  2. My CC has only 15 Laptop. 15 was supposed to be minimum number and they were at that number. Worst part was that few chinese student were there and they were selling the voucher for 100$. When we complaint CC guys was very cool and saying they can do anything they want. But that was just beggining of worst part. It was taking approx 30 minutes for AOL signup and 30 minutes for the final checkout.
  3. There was only 15 laptop voucher and I was the last one. Thank God. I went CC at 1 A.M. What about others??? Post your experience..
  4. On the last page of the main section.
  5. How to add or remove items?????
  6. jungle

    In TRU today

    Where you got the barbie 10$ coupon???
  7. 100 is too much My CC has only 14 laptop
  8. above item will be available on staples for 169. Looks great price to me. Any advice??? http://www.staples.com/sbd/cre/products/051120/merch004175/index.html?cm_mmc=email_retail_srw-_-cons_chainwide_11_23_05-_-srw_consumer-_-Amazing_Savings_Online
  9. They are charging 15$ shipping for 15$ item. Grrr...
  10. I see most of the toys-r-us items are already available online, but they are charging big shipping. Can we go to store and get it price match or any coupon to get free shipping?
  11. What is Toyworks? Is it not Kb Toy?????
  12. As all of you know that walmart allowing the pricematch at thanksgiving sale, I want to know which all item do you think we can do pricematch there? I hardly see any items in walmart, which is available at other store on sale.
  13. SO what's the final opinion. Best Buy Kodak C360
  14. I doubt ..... Noone seen any ad of Toys which was mentioned in the scan. Noone seen the Ad of Motorola Razr . Those items are already available at same price at online or in store. I think those were false advertisement.
  15. Looks like most of items have multiple price...
  16. How about circuit city Polaroid 7" Portable DVD Player (PDM-0723) PLR PDM0723 • 7" swivel LCD display • Widescreen (16:9) • Multi-format playback • Built-in stereo speakers It's for 76.99$. Applying 10% off coupon will make it sweet.
  17. I do see 3 ad on my zip code. Toy ad is of only one page. It doesn't cover all the stuff which was mentioned before. Looks like those stuff were wrong advertisement. If you see the scan of those items, they looked like a hacked.
  18. Even I would love to get some advice or suggestion on this. I am also inclined on ciccuit city 799 Philips TV. 10% off coupon will make it sweet .
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