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Everything posted by patchu

  1. I have to say that bookcloseouts is pretty much amazing... I bought books at like 75-90% off retail, and they even have autographed/hardbacks! The shipping wasn't even that expensive, and it was pretty fast too. I rec'd it to my friends :)
  2. I love www.bookcloseouts.com!!
  3. I was wondering if there were any good in-store or online deals for the Texas Instruments calculators: TI-83, TI-83+, or TI-85 The best I could find was $90 I'm a poor college student
  4. Yep, got the free sample + free shipping + free gloss (except I couldn't pick the color - still pretty though) with a $5 mini pencil. Totally worth it!
  5. what was the one thing that you purchased?
  6. I have a $20.00 Sunglass Hut Gift Card i'll gladly exchange for the starbucks one
  7. didn't work
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