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Everything posted by Catrinaf25

  1. that's because she ordered two ( making her total over $100) Lucky nieces!!!
  2. WOW look @ THAT!!! I know it is enlarged in the photo so I was wondering if its tiny ? Not that it matters LOL I'm not buying it but WOW!!! I LOVE IT ! it's beautiful! Can't believe they cut it down that low in price. Do you think it is worth the Orginal price?
  3. would this be a good size for a high schooler? He would need to put a pair of shoes in it and a change of clothing
  4. That was my first thought also but he said he didnt want a lazy susan . He wants something to make his table look nice he says
  5. My uncle has requested something to put on his table ( kitchen table) . He is not married and has no kids at home. I have no idea what to get him!! I was hoping to find something on amazon as the shipping is easy but I have no idea what to even get him???
  6. I won't be upset if I don't get the 4 free tins simply because I read where it said Get four gifts for free!* That's a $19.95 value. Simply place a minimum order of $25 in products and choose four free gifts. Either way I think I got a good deal if i get the mouse and the other free item. I can't fault the company for not honering the 4 free items when my order was NOT $25. If your order was over $25 then I Could see getting upset other wise It was ON the page that it was for $25 and over( and yes it has been on there awhile so they didnt change it after order started coming in ) JMO
  7. yay order it for husbands stocking :) btw.. wondering if were going to get the 4 free gifts as it says this on the page. Get four gifts for free!* That's a $19.95 value. Simply place a minimum order of $25 in products and choose four free gifts. The order was under $13 not $25
  8. Omg I am thrilled with this. I Ordered 4 of the Art sets for my 4 girls. Keep them from fighting over their stuff. Even if the art supplies are not that great I'l put better supplies in it after used.
  9. Both my kids are getting the new Ipod Nano i'd like to find a low cost Alarm clock dock or something like that . The ones I've found don't have very good reviews. Also what else should I get them to go along with it? ALso need to find the best deal of skullcandy buds. My son''s bday is next week so I need to get his ordered soon.
  10. went to order a dress and got this error At this time, JCPenney.com is unable to determine the item availability, promotional discounts, shipping and handling, and tax on your order. When your order is shipped, the invoice will reflect the correct discounts, shipping and handling, and tax. To continue checkout please select a payment type or you may call 1-800-322-1189 to place your order with a Customer Service Representative.
  11. thank you again i found a beautiful one. It was Funeral Standing Spray that I was looking for. Thanks again
  12. I cant think of what the flowers are called that he wants me to send. They are the stand up ones and he wants it to have a tag that says Grandma.I looked at the furnel home but they dont sell them and I just need to get this done.I cant believe I dont remember the name of it. it is just slipping my mind. Also a good place to buy them? the service is Saturday so I can have it sent over night.
  13. My Dh got me one of these tonight What is everyones Favorit flavored K-cups? I love Flavored Coffee where I can just add a bit of sweet N low and go.
  14. I got my husbands today!! I hope everyone gets everything!
  15. I am still waiting on a gift I ordered from walmart and I am starting to get nervous!
  16. We can't do it early bc dh is a Deputy and just works so much. I like the email idea just hope they are not upset Christmas morning. Has anyone ever had to go away and not do gifts until you got back? how did the kids take it?
  17. Our pets are going with noone will be here. Thats a good idea about a note. I may try that!
  18. We will be going out of town for Christmas , we will leave Christmas eve when DH gets off work and stay Christmas day and leave the day after.We will only be taking one gift per child ( we won't have room in our SUV to take more as we have 6 kids) . Ive never faced this problem before and not sure how to handle it. We litterly will have no room for gifts in the SUV but maybe one each. Santa will fill the stockings and leave them at home along with the gifts Santa is going to bring them. How do I explain this to the kids? They will each get 2 gifts from my Dh's mom so they will have something to open Christmas morning plus the gift we take them but everything else is at home. I dont want them disappointed. Do I just explain the gifts are at home waiting? We adopted our 4 this past June and although they are older children I am not sure if they will be upset. Our two biological children won't mind. Well our youngest biological child is handicap and won't make a fuss and our 12 year old won't mind. I guess I just need some idea's where the other 4 ( really 3 of the 4 as the teen will get it) but the smaller 3 girls will understand the gifts will be there when we get home and that "santa" didn't forget them ( as he has many years in the past). Now they was with us last christmas and santa was very good to them. I just not sure how to make them understand Christmas morning there wont be a lot under the tree at Their dad's moms house ( as we cant get it home!!) I'm not even sure if we can fit a gift AND stockings in the car so we decided just one gift each ( a game for their portable game systems they can play on way home) . We dont spend Christmas away from home so this is new to us all. Thanks for any advice!
  19. Anyone doing it again this year? I did this last year and they turned out great. I then printed them and had them in the kids stockings. Cheap enough and it made the kids smile! I had mine printed at CVS anyways though I'd post about it so any others that are wanting to get it done. It is $9.99 and you save it to your computer and either print or Do CVS like I did. here is ours we did last year. ( just so everyone know. I got the website off this very site last year I dont own the site and I dont get anything for posting it just thought it was neat) http://www.capturethemagic.com/ http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/133/santa1gx1.jpg http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/9614/santa2co9.jpg http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/2752/sssantagq4.jpg
  20. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2009/10/it-just-keeps-on-growing-nintendo-announces-dsill.ars Though the DSi was just released earlier this year, Nintendo has already announced the next iteration of the wildly popular handheld: the DSiXL (also known as the DSiLL in Japan). Revealed at a press event in Tokyo, the new DS will feature larger screens than its predecessor but few other improvements.
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