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About momof3girls

  • Birthday 01/01/1972
  1. Does anyone have it for the Wii? Just curious since it has gotten really bad reviews.
  2. Try AutoZone or one of those types of stores. I think Wal-Mart even carries them.
  3. Has anyone received theirs yet? I ordered on the 4th and still nothing. I emailed CS and haven't heard back from them.
  4. Darn, no Panthers either...my girls and I would have loved those.
  5. My Super Wal-Mart had a ton of these still on the shelf yesterday for $30. I was really surprissed to see any left. I'd check your local store first to see if they have any left.
  6. The deal is there when I clicked the link. Has anyone ever tried them? Just curious as to how good everything is and do you think this is a great deal? Thanks.
  7. Ours doesn't close for Thanksgiving. The only day they are closed is Christmas. Not sure what time I'll get to mine, might try and get everything online.
  8. I think they are good for people of all ages. My kids each have one, I have one and I'm thinking of getting the hubby one.
  9. I'd go with a GameCube for that age. X-Box is great, but there aren't too many games for the kids, especially the really young ones. Where as GameCube has a ton and the system is cheaper.
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