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Everything posted by jessicaw

  1. Thanks, love there clothes!
  2. Ok! got it! my store was also sold out by the time I got the paper, but 2 hours away on the west side of the state, my father called and picked it up last night. Thanks so much for the heads up!
  3. thanks so much for sharing, my paper wasn't delivered today so i didn't get to see any of the ad's
  4. bringing this to the top to see if anyone has any additional coupons? Thanks!
  5. I worked at Kohl's last xmas season, and alls i can say is make sure and watch the expiration dates on the gift cards (10 dollar ones received on black friday) as well as the 15% off coupons. Usually they only run for a week or two.
  6. thanks! still says 4/10 but its adding up to 5/10 @3pm.
  7. wow, thats really good, this is an ihome http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-form/104-3648830-8372714
  8. still excepting as of 9:30am Nov 19
  9. i'm dying to use this, but how? paypal won't take it.
  10. I just do it myself! You can spend money on fancy paper, or if you have stamps or stickers (such as if your a scrapbooker) you can do it for next to nothing!
  11. What i do is go put things on lay a way, then you just get price adjustments on BF by going to layaway! This works if its the exact item, but sometimes the bundles are diffrent so check the ads.
  12. I was in tru last night and the man there said they were scheduled to only receive 4 units, and that they would be gone as fast as anyone could get back to the counter. Good luck! If you want one bad enough, ebay is probably your best answer, i found one bin for 450.00, and thats the premium unit.
  13. can't get it to work, but thanks anyways!
  14. awsome! i've been wanting one, and they will make a great gift for my MIL. Thanks Jessica Ps, this site is awsome,
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