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Everything posted by ito_okashi

  1. ito_okashi

    Snow Cancels BF!

    They are calling for a max of one foot of snow around Michiana (southern michigan and northern indiana)
  2. I have two sets of clothes im taking with me. The line standing clothes and the clothes i will cahnge into after i leave the first place.
  3. northern indiana 32/17/33 rain snow mix. Quit complaining now.
  4. I will sleep from about 2 til about 6 or 7 then be good to go after that.
  5. With Grandpa and Grandma.
  6. Not only will i be taking pictures on BF i will be blogging from my phone as well. Yes I can blog from my phone. So if anyone is interested in the link i will gice to you if i remember just p.m. me for it.
  7. I used to love having live trees. Now i cant do it with my cats and dogs. So artificial is the way to go.
  8. I dont make a list anymore because its so hard to get everything you want. I have a good idea of what i am getting and that is it.
  9. wal-mart, target, best buy in that order in the morning. Go home and take a nap. then see where the tide takes us.
  10. One year at Target they had special Game Boy Advances and they only had 6. I really thought I was going to die that day from all the really mad people.
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