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Everything posted by Genkii

  1. Meijer and Walmart rules when it comes to price matching. This was the first time I went to Meijer (then Walmart afterwards) for my first BF location. In the past it was always BB or CC. Walmart PM the PSP from Meijer. The manager was overall nice about it.....you can't blame them for the somewhat irritated look on them at first since they had sooooo many people packed in the electronics section. At first I asked if I can get just one more and they said fine but then the computer rung up saying limit one. I just went to another Walmart that happens to have the only BB near me and PM there. Overall got 3 PSP's......Just REMEMBER to bring the Store AD's to price match!!!
  2. Can someone name the stores that will have the Two Day sales that includes Black Friday and Saturday? Sorry to ask but I'm sooooooo tired to even think right now. I think I will go out again tomorrow to pick up some non-electronics deal. Good Luck!!!
  3. Started out at 4am Meijer: PSP Value Pack: $199.88 PSP Games: 8 Games....buy one at regular price, get second at 60% Aviator DVD: $10 Dodge Ball DVD: $10 Hitch DVD: Didn't have them in stock....that's a must watch movie. CC: 512MB Sandisk Memory Stick Duo: $19.99 w/rebate. (last one). Walmart: 2 PSP Value Pack: 199.88 PM with Meijer 10+ Assorted DVD's: $3.44 BB: Netgear Wireless Router/Adapter: $29.99 w/rebate. 2 Dave Chappelle's Show DVD: $14.99 each Stores that were hit but didn't get anything was: Compusa and Staples. Got home at 9:30am Doorbuster deals for BB and CC was crappy this year. Overall I felt satisfied with my Black Friday experience this year. Hoped Everyone had Fun!!!
  4. If you can put up with them at AOL then you got your deal alright......yeah I could use a nice beer too. Keep on coming with those best keep secrets!!!
  5. AOL Rebates are definitely not the best deals....just a hassle to cancel....they will try to keep you on the phone forever and even give u free months (they want to you to hopefully forget about it and bill you for it as soon as the free months are up). One thing for sure is that I will never load up AOL software....it's like spyware and it screws a lot of things up in your computer. Best keep secret was probably the PSP at Meijer for 199.88. I got two more of them for 199.98 at Walmart with a PM. Another best deal was the PSP games at Meijer as well......buy one at regular price get the second one for 60% off. Overall, Walmart and Meijer are probably the winners this year. BBY, CC, Compusa didn't have really good deals.....it was mostly junk they wanted to get cleared off the shelf. Went to BBY at 9am and they still had a good quantity of junk there. Hope it was fun for everyone!!!
  6. These companies definitely make a profit even with the black friday prices. Here's a great example a few years ago at Best Buy......they had a Sony Pentium 4 2.6 Ghz computer with a 15 inch Sony LCD monitor(don't know if some of u remember?) for $1,200 after a $800 rebate. The catch was that while in line they would add stuff to your cart without asking. The BBY employees would immediately put what they called "packages" (bronze, silver, gold)....it was somewhere between $100 to $300 bucks. They tried to put the $100 accesory package (surge protector, air duster, mouspad, USB cable...etc) on everyone's computer right when you picked it up. I was like hell with that and put that junk package back on the shelf.....and it doesn't stop there. While in line they would have these check points where at first it seems like they would like to help you check out the line faster by making sure you got what you wanted. Instead they would try to stick you with those packages again. If you didn't want it then they would try to make you buy the more expensive packages or even single accessories since they knew you know that stuff in the packages was cheap (probably less than $15 bucks worth of stuff). They tried to sell me Monster cables (which by the way has like a 300% to 500% markup) and USB gold cables. They wouldn't leave until you said yes to at least one item.....so I did but when they left I just threw it on the shelf. I'm like wtf....it's like WWII with all of these check points. At the end they even try to throw in the 2 year service plan and rang me up for it even though i said i didn't want it. Finally I said NO and they relented. Case in point....they still make up to $300 bucks or more when they sell those computers and some of those computers like mine was custom made so BBY of course had to get a discount in bulk. Heck some of the customers fell for it. Some who bought those e-machines hoping to get one for like $350 eventually spent an additional $200 to $300 bucks easily. As you can see there might be a profit of something around $0 to $200 just by selling that computer alone and then up to $300+ with those accessories or extended service plans.
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