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Everything posted by MarkRaby

  1. Hmm...I wonder who those mailings are limited to? I always get all kinds of stuff from Best Buy in the mail, but I didn't get a BF ad today. --Mark--
  2. Exactly. Even though this will only be my third BF, I am doing it pretty much because it has become a tradition. My first year, it was for the great sales, my second year was a chance to improve my BF strategy, and this year it is mainly because it has become a tradition. So, to each his own, but I still stand by my opinion that there are some pretty good deals to be had this year. --Mark--
  3. Yeah, the Mario Kart bundle is standard in many stores -- you get Mario Kart and 2 controllers. Also, 11/26 - 11/28, you'll get a $15 store credit if you buy one of these bundles for $99.99 at EBGames. --Mark--
  4. Oh yeah, by the way, I know it's out of place, but can/how do I change my username? --Mark--
  5. Yep, it was the Black Friday forum that attracted me here, and it's the only one I'll be using until the end of the week. Then, I'll check out the rest of them. But yeah, I have to agree, this forum is the best Black Friday forum I've seen! The fact that you administrators post here so often also makes me like this place that much more. My only regret is that I didn't find out about this site months ago :). --Mark--
  6. Yeah, same here. Love your avatar, by the way --Mark--
  7. Yeah, but it's not quite the same. On top of the fact that you can't really flip through the ad at your leisure (unless you print it out), it's usually very difficult to read the fine print (i.e. What the MIR's are) with the online version of the ad. --Mark--
  8. Of course, this is the only time of year I wish I subscribed to the paper. I usually leave at like 6:00 AM because they get sold fast. --Mark--
  9. Like I said, I sent away for free ones. There's a quirky law that states you can't make people buy something to enter a contest. So they have to make an alternate means of entry. In this case, you could send a SASE to the promotion headquarters for a free game piece. That costs 74¢ (plus two envelopes), but you're guaranteed at least a $1 Best Buy Buck. So I just went like a madman and sent out 529 game piece requests. I made a tidy profit (especially with the advent of the online game this year, as well as all the McD's food prizes I won, and then of course the BB Bucks). --Mark--
  10. I have $529 in BB Bucks (sent away for free ones). I will be using $300 on my purchase and my brother will use the other $229 (darn limits). I'm pretty sure 6:00 AM - 10:00 PM is considered "normal business hours" for November 26. Although, I had $160 in BB Bucks last year for BF and had to fight with the manager to let me use them. --Mark--
  11. Yeah, I haven't targeted the electronics as much in the past 2 years I've done BF, so I guess that's why it seems exciting to me. But above all else, I think a lot of people would agree with me that a huge factor in shopping on Black Friday is the experience (sure, there are people pushing, screaming, the lines are horridly long, yet we all have good memories from BF's of years past). --Mark--
  12. I've just got to post this story, and I hope Mark doesn't mind. I just registered with these forums on Saturday and he registered on Friday. That's just the beginning of the similarities, though. I saw Mark's post and had to do a double-take because I thought for a minute that it was me. First off, as you can tell, we are both named Mark. Also, I end all of my posts with "--Mark--" and realized he signed with "--Mark". I am also very much a music person (and I took a stab that he was too). Plus, we are both kind of into the same sport's team (he seems like a fan, and I just slimly follow it). Also, it turns out we are both from Columbus, Ohio and we are possibly going to help each other out on Black Friday. Quite a story, isn't it? --Mark--
  13. Maybe I'm more easily impressed than you guys. Maybe the stuff that's on sale is more in line with what I want. I don't know what it is, but I am feeling very good about the Black Friday deals. Best Buy's portable DVD player, MP3 player, $18 DVD player, Office Max's FAR stuff, and Radio Shack's $5 stuff all look very appealing to me (among other scattered stuff from those and other stores). --Mark--
  14. I just got my PDA to connect wirelessly with my cell phone to establish an internet connection. So I will probably be surfing the internet, looking at BF ads, and (for the in-store line -- as opposed to waiting outside for the doors to open) reading through every word on the boxes of the stuff I'm buying. --Mark--
  15. I have to say it's Best Buy. I've never gone to CC on Black Friday, but I think BB has them beat. First, BB is notorious for their long BF lines. I've never really seen a lot of people say CC has an unbearable line. When I've gone to BB the past two years, I had to wait about 2 hours in line. --Mark--
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