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Everything posted by becca0884

  1. Tonight will be my first trip to CVS since CHRISTMAS. I just haven't been into it lately, but this week they have a lot of stuff that I need. My stockpiles are starting to dwindle from the lack of CVSing I've been doing. :)
  2. If you're looking for glycerin soaps. Dial has come out with some. It was $1.xx for a 3 pack at Walmart. :)
  3. Thanks theselenaverse!! Great deal! :)
  4. Thanks so much Bugsette and kselzer for my gifts!!! :) I loved everything.
  5. Merry Christmas!!!
  6. I received a beautiful tealight lamp/snowglobe yesterday in the mail. I love it! :) I've been down with a nasty cold for a couple days now and it brightened my day greatly when my sister brought it to me. Thanks!! Even though you wrote fragile several times on the box, USPS managed to break the gingerbread man off, but I very easily put it back together, so it's as good as new again. Oh yeah, I loved the note as well. I don't mind at all that it wasn't an ornament!
  7. Yay, glad they are arriving. I was beginning to worry that the box I stuck them in wasn't checked.
  8. Just a question -- has anyone received a card from me?? I mailed them a week ago. Some other people I sent them to haven't received any yet.
  9. NEW Code 25SHIPUP will get you 25% off all purchases and a shipping upgrade. It expires 12/22.
  10. They sell these at my local Hallmark store. They had gloves and many diffrent styles of socks. I got some for my sister for Christmas, they are very cute.
  11. Thanks so much for answering! Really our laundry room isn't set up for frontloaders, so I hope it will work out.
  12. I just got my SS box!!! Thanks so much to whoever you are, I'm dying to know. lol I'll post pics in a little bit, but here is a quick rundown of what I recieved: -Cute little Santa wall hanging -Burt's Bees 4 pack (Love Burt's Bees!) -Yankee votive candle -Bracelet -Calendar -Christmas CD -Classical CD -Eyeshadow -Aloe socks -Candy -Magnet
  13. Just a question to those of you that have them. Are you able to change the way the doors open? We're waiting for ours still because the warehouse was out of stock. Our dryer is currently on the left and the washer on the right. I hope this makes sense.
  14. What a wonderful thing for someone to do.
  15. What a cutie! I'll be sure to vote for her.
  16. The Godiva Belgian Blends?? They still sell them around here, last I checked. They are bottled by Coca-Cola, so if you still aren't able to find them, you could always ask a Coke vendor if you happen to see one.
  17. I shipped mine! :) PO wouldn't allow me to ship without a return address. E-mailing you the DC #s in a bit, eve!
  18. Yay, pictures! I lied, my SS and ornament will get mailed tomorrow!
  19. My SS and ornament will go out tomorrow. I need to pick up a couple more things.
  20. I got my card from Heather. :)
  21. My store didn't have the anti-bacterial soaps 4/$10. They were 3/$10. I bought them anyway because they had a new (that I've seen) scent Frosted Orange Cream. The Signature collection was 5/$25. Everything else matched the list posted in the first post.
  22. Glad to hear your kept your job, sorry that you have to take a paycut.
  23. These are $15.99 in store if you missed out online.
  24. Great deal! My mom loves the one I have.
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