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  1. I was able to use the 40% off one
  2. Onyx

    I'm at CC now!!!

    I''m at cc too - like 30 ahead of me i think - lot got here right before me. lot here for laptop though
  3. Rock on!!!!
  4. Onyx

    Available Online!!!

    Has anyone had any luck getting the flash drives and/or sd card after about 1pm est? They sold out on me, and I was wondering if they have been refreshed at all? Got the MP3 player :)
  5. 32 low here. burrrrr!!!! Still, I think it is way warmer than last year
  6. People who cut and place savers guuuur - If I don't get my lap top this year becuase of place savers I am going to be one cranky person
  7. Camping out at CC, then maybe swing by BB and Staples for jsut a couple of things.
  8. LIke laptops, TVs etc, like BB and CC does?
  9. Haha I thought about that, but the problem was everyone was staying in line, so it would have looked like I was just trying overall to cut
  10. That happened to me to - there was a group at the front of the line, and when I got there, I could have gotten a laptop. But I didn't becuase the group grew. One of the people ahead of me complained to the manager, and they didn't give them all tickets, but it was impossible to tell who was there first and who wasn't, and so the last one went to the guy ahead of me.
  11. CC, maybe staples. I want a laptop, and last year CC had the best deal, and way shorter lines than BB. I'd be willing to go with Staples if it was about the same (shorter liens yet I think) but if BB has the best, well, BB is where I might go
  12. I took my 9yo with me to CC last year - it is not in a major shopping area, and so I parked right near the line where we could see each other and had a bunch of warmed- up blankets and snacks and drinks and her gameboy in the car (The car was already hot and it stayed that way - she thought it was too hot LOL didn't have it running) and we had 2 way walkie talkies. I stood in line and we talked with the radios. When it was getting about time to open the doors she would get out of the car and come into the store with me. Unfortunately I didn't get a ticket for the laptop so we left, and I wouldn't have done it if she was younger, but doing it that way worked for us. It was a bitter bitter cold BF - no way I would have let her stand outside with me.
  13. Onyx

    Snow Cancels BF!

    I've got an hour drive - I REALLY want to hit CC, but they are saying really bad things about the roads tomorrow - we are supposed to get HIT.
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