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Everything posted by caramel

  1. Great! Thank you! I'll check out the sale on the 27th at midnight and if it includes the holiday/temptation/autumn collection then I will get myself in the store that morning!
  2. Is this accurate?? Because the online sale prices are different. And will this include the holiday fragrances collection? I'm asking because I was planning on ordering stuff from their online sale but if it's cheaper in the stores then I'll wait...
  3. I don't think it's regional. I got the National Edition of the New York Times. I'm in Fort Worth.
  4. Yeah I learned that the hard way. I just went to the Borders on Hulen in Fort Worth to get the new Barack Obama book and was told the same thing. Bummer since my sister in NYC got the book for $13.05 after letting her use the coupon and tax. She had to coerce the cashier to add the 30% coupon but it worked. I told her to get one for me as well so she's going back tomorrow to see if the cashier will do it again.
  5. There's also a coupon inside of the NY Times! There's a nice little 40% off bestsellers sale until MONDAY so you will be getting the book for 70% off cover price!!!!!!!!! I will be printing more than one so I can get more than one book.
  6. Man I'm so mad I didnt' check this earlier. I've really been swamped with work the last few weeks so my time at GD has been really cut drastically. Oh well maybe I will still be able to use the 30% coupon. I really need to get some new books for myself and others.
  7. Spiced apple rapture is my favorite and it's not overpowering. Frosted Cranberry seems to be the strongest scent so I always have to put that in the large kitchen instead.
  8. This is a great deal for those that are fragrance oil fiends like myself. I buy new oils once a week so I will be taking advantage of this. http://www.bathandbodyworks.com/family/index.jsp?categoryId=2560699&cp=2484529&cm_mmc=CH-_-1129CYBERWED-_-1000592-_-sub:oilpromo&cm_lm= Buy 2 Oils, Get a Warmer Free (a $12 value)
  9. I'm starting to believe this is true since their ad sucked so much!
  10. You guys are evil! EVIL! LOL j/k that's actually a good idea that I must steal.
  11. caramel

    Target BF ad

    I dunno I don't see too many WOW items on here. I like the Stainless Steel microwave but the brand sucks (Emerson). But I love the DVD deal because these are TV seasons and I need stuff like that. I just hope they have SATC and The Sopranos and other good shows. Just saw the Atari Flashback game...WOW THAT BRINGS BACK MEMORIES! Their $16 jeans deal isn't all that considering I bought their Mossimo Black for $17.99 two weeks ago... Everything else is so blah to me.
  12. The only thing that caught my eye was the 1GB Sandisk Cruzer flash drive for $7.98, regularly $60
  13. I can appreciate this kind of competitive spirit.
  14. I just gave them my two cents and I gave gottadeal a nice lil mention.
  15. Thanks I love chic fila but I've never tried their breakfast stuff.
  16. Awesome! I love this store already. My friend was in there with me the other day and couldn't find her coupon so I'll forward this to her so we can go shopping again!
  17. I asked this in another thread but it seems folks don't want to look at it. WM this year sucks so I'll be going to BB very early (I have an appointment with them in the personal shopping program) but I really need to get the Beyonce Dual Disc edition because they have been sold out the week they came out back in September. This item is listed as AVAILABLE ONLINE as well. My question is: Can I buy it online and pick it up at my local walmart, forgoing the shipping costs?
  18. Hmm online you say? Well does you know if you can order online and pick it up in the store? Because I really don't want to wait days for shipping.
  19. BB's laptop and desktop comps.
  20. Wow was it really that serious?
  21. As some of you know I've been waiting for the Beyonce Walmart edition CD since it was sold out when it first came out in September. My question is the price of $9.72 is that just a doorbuster deal or will it be available at that price the whole day??
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