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Posts posted by snikerfitz

  1. well since I don't have enough post to get a custome avatar is there anywhere on here I can put a pic up to let members see something from a previous post I had made?
  2. arrghhhh... PLEASE put the name of the store in your title... i haven't got that store here, and this was a waste of my "click". thanks

    Sorry This is only the 3rd or 4th post i have ever done on here and it is the only one in the offline deals forum. People like you jumping down new people throat discourages new people to stay. Sorry you wasted your click.

  3. with 70,000 members, it would be nice if people remembered...You're time is no more valuable to you, than mine is to me, it takes a second to figure this deal is for Kroger, click, you're done.



    Our Kroger had the 10 4 10 on Hamburger Helper for 2 weeks in a row. Just varies from region to region I guess
  4. I was in Kroger this morning and they have thier Digorno pizzas on sale for 3.99 and if you buy 4 you get and instant rebate of 5.00 I then had 2 .50 coupons that doubled to a total of 2.00 which made my pizzas 1.25. Which is a good deal for that brand. And also they have thier Hambuger Helper for 1.00 a box if you are like me you clip all the .50 off 2 which at kroger doubles to a doller that makes you get 2 boxes for a dollar. I feed a family of 5 so I have to buy 2 boxes at a time and this makes for a cheap meal. :D:trampolin:gd_dollar :gd_dollar :stir:
  5. We give our kids the main presents they ask for from santa and then the rest come from us. But we make sure to tell our kids that mommy and daddy give santa the money to buy them. And we don't put any presents under the tree until christmas eve.
  6. I'm sorry, I didn't mean for my post to sound the way it did. I didn't mean to come across as being rude. It's just that since yesterday, the amount of posts in here has quadrupled and it's would be really hard to find it.

    :) ;) Oh no I didn't take it wrong was just saying I wish I had caught it

  7. Me and hubby try to spend about 200 to 250 on each kid (we have 3 Zachary 7, Ariel 3, And Bryan 19 months) We give all of them the same amount of gifts but we also try to spend the same amount which is getting hard since the oldest wants $50 games this year but so far we have managed LOL
  8. That just makes me even more upset I am going to see what I can get done about it. Congrats to all that did get thiers I am just upset that I didn't get mine just unfair practices on Targets part. Had I know that they sold them early I would have been there to get mine to.
  9. That seems to have happened at several locations (and different retailers) across the country. I know the BB that was supposed to have a min of $149 computers ended up only having 9 to sell, I am assuming since I cannot confirm this but I can only assume the the other 11 had "pre loaded" crap on them and those were selling for $279 (Emachine). :bs:


    I was able to get mine though. I was #6 of 9 $149 Emachines.

    ConGrats to you for getting yours. What makes me so mad though is that I was right next to the $48 ones at WM and thought to myself well the sell at Target is 2 days for sure they got a good many in. YEAH RIGHT they were suspose to get 50 per store. For a 2 day sale did they actually think that was going to be enough

    comon now

  10. I was in line at Target and got through the door 2 minutes after they opened and they told me they was already out of the GBA SP's. I also seen Target employees running up to the register with buggies full of sale items to purchase. Does anybody else think that this is unfair or is it just me. I called several of the Targets in my area and had several people tell me they was sold out before the store opened. HMMMMM something tells me all the product that they had went to the employees so why even put the dmn thing in the sale paper. Any suggestions on what should be done or should I let it lay???? :mad::curse: :curse: :confused::argue_mad :argue_mad :banghead:
  11. Probably I got to the electronics counter at 6:03 and they opened at 6 and they said they were sold out But i never seen one person walking around with one but I know one thing that i seen that really Ticked me off After I got into the store some of the Target employees were in the checkout with buggies full of the sale stuff. I found this to be true at 3 different targets. I have been trying to get ahold of my targets store manager and if he dosn;'t do anything I am going district!!!!!
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