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About snikerfitz

  • Birthday 09/27/1977
  1. Yeah I couldn’t get them either. No biggie got 2 Apple watches was checked out by 7:03. That’s all I really needed.
  2. I tried for 15 solid mins. No luck
  3. I hate the stores opening this early.
  4. I bought my son (yes my 14 yo son) one on kohl’s last night. The cheapest I found was $30 at Walmart. I used the discount and it made it like $24 not much saved but every little bit helps.
  5. Bath and body Works? Anyone know what time their stores will open?
  6. Finally got checked out through the website. Only took 40 mins.
  7. Something’s have countdown timers on them now.
  8. I didn’t know they did that with the lights. Thanks!! I never even thought of that. Sent from my iPhone using GottaDEAL
  9. I get a free pass this year. Having surgery so I have to do all my shopping online. [emoji53] it’s kinda bittersweet Sent from my iPhone using GottaDEAL
  10. I'm wondering that as well. I really don't want to go to the store just for that.
  11. Not impressed. Same stuff every year. Target has a better price on the Xbox one s when you factor in the gift card too. DVDs are always well priced. And they are starting their sales at 6 pm again. I won't be going to walmart until Friday morning. Good thing I'm Not missing much. The only movie my kids want is Suicide Squad.
  12. I think it will. There seems to be a trend with retailers offering better deals the week before or a week or 2 after. Yea we can get great deals on movies, pajamas, and video games but a lot Of stuff is better afterwards.
  13. I hated that last year where everything opened early and then closed for a few hours. Just stay closed and open Friday morning.
  14. I'm the same way. My kids are older. They want teen stuff. And unfortunately a lot of it is electronics. I absolutely hate going out on thanksgiving. Last year my hubby and I tried something new because I had hurt my foot 3 days prior and I was in a boot. So he went to help me. We left at the normal time that I used to leave at. And I managed to still get everything I went after except for one item. Which I was able to order online for cheaper a couple of days later. I refuse to let it interfere with my family time again. I only have a few years left with my kids at home I am choosing to cherish it over saving a couple of dollars. [emoji4]
  15. That's an understatement. Took me 30 mins to check out with 1 item. I finally gave up.
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