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So, instead of going postal, I think I'm gonna go Kohlstal!!!! 3.5 frakkin' hours...and have you called their support line? "Thank you for shopping Kohl's. Goodbye!" and they hang up on you. I hate this store, and I'm just doing my sister's shopping!!!!
404 error, not available on this server. I'll try safari (using Firefox)
Our paper was missing Kmart, Walmart, Best Buy, Menard's and Walgreens! And by 11 am, almost all the stores in a 5 mile area were sold out. Gave me a good excuse for ripping on the local paper, sent them an email, telling them, AGAIN, why I don't subscribe. I only want the paper for the ads, and when most of the time they are missing a few, why bother? I'm still so mad about it, I want to write to the stores that were left out and tell them how their advertising dollars are being (mis)spent! Grrr!
To whomever started this thread: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! I just did all my Christmas shopping for my kids. I used the coupons here at 2 different KMarts, to get the items that were on sale on Thanksgiving, only having to pay about 2 bucks each more for 3 cameras and 2 camcorders! This way, I don't have to stand in line for the 3 cameras, only to find out that some darn person (uh, that would be me!) bought out the only stock the store had. Oh, yeah, and I also bought the only stock both stores had of the video camera (yeah, Kmart, have a sale with only 1 camera!!!). At one store, I had no trouble using the coupon, even had the dept manager show the kid how to ring it up. At the other store, the manager was a snark, told me the coupon wasn't supposed to be used on electronics. I told him I had read the coupon very carefully, and there was no electronics restriction. He told me "we issued a retraction", I said "where" he said at the front of the store. I very nicely said, "Well, no take-backs, and if it's not good here, why don't you have a sign telling me so?" He then gave me the discount! (He really hated the part when I said "No take-backs"! LOL! So, thanks loads! No hassle, no leaving the house on Thanksgiving. I love this place!
I truly thought THAT was the Worst. Christmas. Song. EVA!, until last night. One of our local radio stations has already gone to all Christmas, All the Time (I love that!), and last night, they had a "You be the judge" between the dogs barking jingle bell, and......Cats doing jingle bells! OMG, I wanted to bash my car radio into the next stratosphere! I wanted a frontal lobotomy...now! Suffice it to say, I'm not a cat person, and I've decided that dogs barking Jingle Bells is not the worst. Those darn cats....eeek!
You are much better off to put a rider on your home insurance to cover your stuff. It costs me $20.00 a year to insure my laptop....and I SPECIFICALLY asked the agent if it would be covered if one of my lil darlin's drove over it with a vehicle...of any type! She laughed and said yes...so if the dog does his business (not likely), I drop it on the way to the car (as the ice increases, so do the chances of that!) or the bookshelves above it fall onto it (ok, maybe I do have too many books!) it is covered. The warrenties you buy from the store are almost always a waste of your money.
How many cards are we talking about? So many that it would be a waste of time to make (print) them in batches, ie. 20 Jewish, 20 Religious, 20 generic? There a tons of free templates on the net, and more tons of card software you could use. Use textured card stock, Epson Dura Bright ink, and a good printer...
It is possible. Either (as someone else said) be in a wi-fi hotspot, or use your cell phone as your dial-up. We use Alltell and Motorola phones, I've a cable that hooks my iBook to the phone, and software. It's very easy for me...but then I never take my computer shopping! I'd be concerned about someone seeing that telltale blue glow and then taking the computer when you went into the store.
I was at Target last year the first morning their 90%off after Christmas sale started. I saw one of their stocking carts, you know, the big metal flatbed? Well, it had tons of the dished I wanted, so I started going thru them. After I got about 4 boxes in my cart, this lady comes flying around the corner, shreiking "That's my STUFF! Leave it alone!" I muttered "sorry", kinda sarcasticly. All the other ladies there were very nice to me, telling me anyone would have made that mistake. One lady (my hereo!) even yelled at the cart owner "Hey, if it's your stuff, then stay with your cart!" It was pretty funny...but if it happens this year, I'm keepin' what I get!
Honey, you don't need a chair,you need my mini-van! The back seats fold flat, both they and the middle row captian chairs are removable (for hauling, doncha know!). Jacks and adaptors all over the place for phones, computers, video games, a vcr and dvd player. All my daughters and I need for Black Friday in WallyWorld's parking lot! Oh, bathroom breaks, you say? Well, a son has offered his portable deer blind! Sleeping bags, taking shifts in line....it could be a very comfortable wait. Ya know, I think I have way more fun planning BF than actually going!!
So, Fuzzy, what brand are the 23" TV's, please?
We used to celebrate St. Nicholas Day (Dec. 5th). We'd put our shoes outside our bedroom door, and St. Nicholas would leave candy in them. He wasn't Santa...Santa only came at Christmas. St. Nicholas was an "associate" of Santa's...my brothers told me he must be like an uncle or something! Anyway, in 4th grade, all my 6 brothers and sisters had gone to bed. I was telling Mom goodnite, and then remembered we had forgotten to put our shoes out. She said "Dad's gone, there won't be any candy" (I don't remember if he was just gone for the evening, or on one of his longer (months) absences. So, she explained that she couldn't go to the store, so there'd be no candy. I was taking it ok, she was telling me to not tell the little kids that Mom and Dad were St. Nicholas....when I suddenly became suspicious. In my mind, I knew I was not going to like the answers, so I started small. No toothfairy (always a nice source of quick dimes!)? Ok, how about the Easter Bunny? Dang! Ok, by now we're both looking at each other, knowing what I was going to say...and later she told me she SO hoped I wouldn't ask about Santa. But, I did. She said no, I cried. The crushing reality of $$$ was finally brought into focus. We were poor, but Santa was rich!! So, no Santa meant no asking for bikes and skiis and other big ticket items. It was awful, but she was pretty cool about it. She played on my big-sister role, and told me all the secrets about Christmas, and now I could help trick (I'm sure she used a nicer word!) all the little kids. So, it worked, and then the best fun was keeping them believing until at least 10. Thanks for the memory!
Can anyone read the ad well enough to see what brand, model it is? :eyepoppin
There was no volume on the remote, only a dial on the side of the unit. It did have 3 different screen sizes (letterbox, and two others). If you select the one for regular size(TV) screen, the people were the right size, but it seems like the edges of the pic were then cropped to make it all fit. The pic wasn't all that great. (Wow, I guess I really didn't like it!). But for me, the biggest thing was how everything didn't fit in the bag. For it to be truly portable, ALL ATTACHMENTS must be in one place. It's hard enough to get my crew and associated stuff all in the van and get where we're going on time, I don't need the hassle of little ones saying "Mimi, where's the battery? the remote? do we have the cables to hook it to the screen in the van?" If you were going to just listen to it thru it's own speakers in the car, I think it wouldn't be loud enough. There is a set of headphones, but we can use the cables to hook it into the van's video set up, so for family listening, it would be ok.
The Proton one at Sears: Save your money.I have one that I am returning to ABCwarehouse tomorrow ($99.99). It does have a case, however, very few of the accessories actually fit in the case. Just another excuse to lose some cables, the remote...I'm not even sure the battery fits in there! It's just cheap.