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Posts posted by DragonSlayer1500

  1. I hope if you do that you get caught and arrested for impersonating an Employee of a Company. That would be funny stuff on the news and once you get out of jail you cold post your horror story of being in jail. :giggle:

    Is that actually a punishable crime? If I were to get a Wal-Mart vest, walk in to Wal-Mart and start helping people/telling actual employees what to do, is that actually against the law?


    I've always thought that would be hilarious and with stores like Super Wal-Mart...there's no way that regular employees would catch on at first.

  2. It's entirely possible for stores to do that. The ad says "minimum --" . If they get above the minimum, they coult, in theory, let employees buy them until they reached the minimum and then only make those available to the public.


    However, I'm not big on conspiracy theories so I'll just assume that as long as they hand out the minimum, they're playing for.

  3. For most stores, I'm not sure about BB, employees can not put anything on hold OR buy anything while "on the clock". However, if a store employee doesn't work BF morning and decides to wait in line, they are allowed to make a purchase.


    As I said, I don't know if BB is like that but that's how the majority of stores are.

  4. They will not. AND, all the ads they have out...as long as the item is in stock, they will be at that price. These are not doorbuster sales. If you go into Sam's on Sunday and they aren't sold out of what you wanted, it will still be that same price from what I understand
  5. WOW! Sam's Club hardly has any offering on BF but the ad I got in the paper from them is the highest quality ad I've received for BF. That had to cost quite a bit.


    I highly doubt that nice ad is going to draw to many people in though when they see how little it actually contains.

  6. "And the fact is that far more people who have problems typically rate than satisfied customers."


    Very true. If you have a good purchase (normal thing to happen) you're not going to go spend time to post a reseller rating. However if you have a bad purchase, you're going to want to post a rating for "revenge" if you will. It still helps to expose the negative things about retailers though, like dell, who has HORRIBLE customer service.

    I agree/disagree about Dell's customer service. I had a problem with my printer and went on tech support to try and get it solved. All they kept telling me was to buy new ink cartridges. However, when I asked them if I could return the ink cartridges if they didn't work, they said no. After griping and complaining for almost an hour, they gave me a $75 coupon for whatever I wanted. I ended up getting a black ink cartridge, color cartridge and a Nero Photoshop program for $12.


    To make it even better, the ink cartridges did fix my problem and I just got a lot of free stuff. Can't complain about that

  7. Pumped up...I better be with how I'm going about my day.


    Plan of action: Stay up tonight til about 4 AM

    Sleep until 1 PM

    Watch football/Eat/Browse Ads and compare to EBay 1-9 PM

    9 PM tomorrow - Leave to get in line at Best Buy


    It's definitely only 30 degrees here and tomorrow we are supposed to get wind gusts up to 40 MPH...it's gonna be nasty out there...I'm not lookin forward to that

  8. Are you kidding? No, it's not cheaper on eBay, you also need to think about shipping as well.


    $149 out the door with no rebates is a HOT DEAL!

    That's good to know...just out of curiosity you have any idea of how much they go for on EBay?

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