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Posts posted by huseboy

  1. my mom and dad frequently get my gifts at antique stores, garage sales, etc. I am the only one who gets them from those places but thats ok because I like that kind of stuff. I think it is a personal thing of what you think the person would expect. Happy Shopping.
  2. Absolutely, I am having them. I have no lists. Have no idea what to get and money is tight also. I am in STRESS OUT mode and it will only get worse. Right now I am just trying to get my son through the racing season, 1 race left. Everytime I hae some money stashed something happens to his kart and there goes the money. I see things on here that are great buys but cannot go get. No happy pills so I will just have to stress. We can stress together. :)
  3. thx, I also love looking at wish book. I get lots of ideas, and so do others in the family. Going to check it out. Any idea how long before it is in stores? Is it worth the wait???
  4. Got started at 11pm last year at walmart for the laptops. We were 3 and 4. People started arriving about 3 or so and did rush the line when they started handing them out. We had 2 large security guys around them and 1 person handing them out. they had done announced they were all claimed but people rushed in and tried to jerk them out of others hands. It was outrageous. Me and my son are both small but managed to hand on to ours. We will go out again at 11pm maybe earlier according to ads and which item is a must have. I will go as early as needed if it is something I MUST have for the kids or my grandbaby. I am getting so excited. I love the thrill of the hunt. It is my favorite day of the year.
  5. So the story is that Walmart is holding elmo until the 1st when their ad starts?????? Midnight is the time to go??? That stinks because layaway closes at 10pm. I was saving my credit cards for BF but guess I will be using it. Hope everybody that wants one for their child gets one and not 1 person getting all. Hope they have alot to go around.
  6. I am in search of a pair of Dada Triple Double Shoes. I have searched online and cannot find size 7. We saw a boy with these on at the races Sat. nite and they are the perfect shoes. They are orange and black, which are our school colors. The boy said his mom got them out of a catalog, cause I asked, but could not find out which one. If anyone knows please let me know. I saw where they are on sale for only 19.99. Wish I would have found them sooner. I am always a day late and a dollar short. lol
  7. I bought one at the truck stop for my hubby, he drives a truck. It was not a deal and I dont even remember what I paid, but it works very well and he uses it on a daily basis. I had bought one previously at walmart and it was not strong enough to do what he wanted but I should have known this because it ws only $30 or so. I returned it. I wish walmart carried more ac adaptor stuff to use in vehicles for just this reason. Oh well, I hope this helps. Good luck in your search.
  8. Ok, thought it would neat if everyone gave out there hiding places. I have had several because I have to keep changing them because he is getting older and is better in searching. But mostly I stash his items at the neighbors house. Single or couple with no kids so they dont mind. Where is yours????
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