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Posts posted by Keebelf

  1. make sure the direct connect works in your Mom's area. Chris and I can't use our DC when we are up at his Mom's house.


    Would you be able to get a Nextel discount through your work? Chris was able to get something like 10% off when he flashed his work badge (back when he worked at CitiStreet) but that only worked if he went to a store. We got a deal on the i710 phones.

  2. do you have a Play it Again Sports in your area? Check with them and see if they have anything.....


    Otherwise, Walmart.com, Target, Kmart, I think even Sams Club has them. But the price is going to depend on how nice/state of the art you want it.


    Or, if you have a Goodwill or City Rescue Mission, check out those places.

  3. Darnit, I can't find a picture of it but it was a toy, back in the early-mid 70s that was like an outer-space tank and you could enter commands from the top of it. Like 5 moves forward, 3 Left, 4 back....and you could have over 50 lines of commands or something like that.



    Granted, this toy was WAY before my time (LOL). Chris' older borther has always wanted one and always teased his parents that his life did't turn out the way he wanted because they didn't get him a Big Trax when he was a kid. But, for his birthday a couple of years ago, I found one on eBay and we won it at 75.xx or something like that to get it. It was a good deal and still in the original box.

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