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Everything posted by lucyismycat

  1. I'm just curious how many of you are doing handmade gifts this year as opposed to, or in addition to, purchasing gifts? How have recent economy changes What sorts of things do you make for gifts? Do they go over well? I crochet and knit year-round, during my kids' sports activities (can't sit still). During hockey season, I travel with my littlest sewing machine and make pillow cases during downtime at our hotel, and once in a great while I'll piece a quilt top. I mostly knit or crochet dishcloths, and a blanket every now and then. I try to make sure that each family we gift to receives at least one handmade item. I used to make aprons and embroider them as gifts, but I think everyone in our circle has one now. This year I'm thinking about expanding my options; I'd like to sew reusable shopping bags to use as gift bags. I try to give things that are practical, but that are mostly portable. I also try to focus on things that are fairly simple to make (i.e. I don't knit socks even though I think they would be pretty portable AND practical. Maybe one of these days) I accepted long ago that I never saved any money by making something myself, but I'm wondering if any of you have managed to pull that off. I don't worry so much about the cost of supplies or labor because I have a pretty good fabric/yarn/craft stash, and I consider my time to be free, since I'm just sitting there anyway, watching practices and games. I also get the benefit that, for me, crafting is very calming - when my youngest son is in the net for his hockey team, I need all of the calming influences I can get! lol What do YOU make?
  2. Yes. This. I was trying to find socks and underwear for the boys because, well, they're 11 and 12 and these things are just a consumable for us at this point. I HATE the filtering options on any lightning type deals, so I just end up searching for the exact thing I want, and then there are a ton of "best seller deals" that clutter up the screen. I ended up buying 2 packs of socks and 1 pack of underwear, and I'm not convinced I saved anything even though they were all listed as early Prime deals. I should just go back to bed. LOL
  3. I'm getting there...we got the Amazon catalog last week and both DS couldn't really find anything they wanted. I think we have reached the point where their wishlist is "just" a cellphone and neither one is old enough/mature for that. I would like to go back to the days when a big Lego set was on their lists! I AM ready to shop!
  4. Sheets, towels and rubbermaid containers. <-this is how I know I'm officially old. I send home Thanksgiving leftovers with folks in the old rubbermaid containers and go out and buy all new stuff on BF. I've never bought a throw from Kohls. *runs and hides*
  5. Happy October!! Our crazy sports life continues. DS12 played 2 soccer games Friday night, 3 more on Saturday and a hockey game (along with DS11) yesterday. DS12 missed his football team's game on Saturday, his last one is this weekend. Then we're down to just soccer and hockey for a while. I am ready for some shopping!!! Let's gooooooooooo!
  6. 20 years - I was really technologically advanced for a 2 year old LOL (I can't be this old!)
  7. YES! I also visit that site throughout the year for "Rudolph days" (basically we do something Christmassy on the 25th of each month) and for additional motivation to keep going with the HGP! Bopeep - it's totally fine to do it because *YOU* want to do it. I grew up with a mom who made Christmas so special that I wanted to carry that feeling with me all year long. I am striving to do the same for my kids, it's sinking in with one of them DH used to joke at me because of my planning, but he has at least learned to tolerate my crazy holiday-ness. LOL He embraces the feasting that's involved, though!
  8. For several years I have been part of a group that does year-round household deep-cleaning. Our home was originally housed by a lady named Cynthia Ewer at organizedhome.com (she has since retired and we all moved to FB). We work based on a plan written by Katie Leckey that's called the Cleaning Grand Plan; in 13 week cycles. Each week a different area of the house takes focus, so that once each season we focus on a room in our house and declutter, wipe down walls, baseboards, clean carpet if there is any, etc. At this point in my life I mostly focus on the decluttering and I get to the rest of the deep clean as I have time or assistance from outside resources. However, it's really helpful to remind me to have the piano tuned once a year, schedule the bug guy, house washers, etc. It's also great for helping me look at our house with fresh eyes, to see what projects I want to undertake in a season...and it helps me to try not take on too many things at once. When we begin our fall "season", we start something called the Holiday Grand Plan. This time of year is dedicated not only to decluttering and cleaning, but also holiday preparations. Each week in addition to our regular lists, we do something holiday related - work on Christmas cards, purchase gifts or gift cards, work on handmade gifts, stock up on pantry staples for holiday baking, handle decor for fall, thanksgiving and Christmas, etc. Over the past 24 years, I have found this plan allows me to be the most relaxed version of myself during the holidays - I don't stress about having everything done, because even if I don't get EVERYTHING done, I still am way ahead of the curve by the time December rolls around. The great part about the plan for me is how flexible it is. Before kids, I didn't have a "kids' room" to focus on, so I'd pick something else that week to work on (usually a craft room). Now that I do have children and more rooms, I usually end up combining a week or two, but since I go through everything 4 times a year, keeping things decluttered isn't nearly as difficult as it was when I started. One of my other favorite parts of "the plan" is that it gives me time to reflect each season on what I liked, what didn't work, what things I want to repeat the next time around, etc. It's how I learned that our family REALLY enjoys driving through Christmas light displays and I need to prioritize setting times aside for that, but we're not so big on picking our own apples, so we skip that and try to just hit a local pumpkin patch sometime around the last weekend in September (before all the "good" pumpkins are gone - an insight from a few years ago). So my question to you all is, how do you get ready for the holidays? Are you organizationally challenged (like me lol) and have a plan to work, or are you able to just get everything done on your own? I have always admired people who are able to have it all come together without it seeming like a ton of effort (like my mother). I want our family to be able to enjoy the holidays without being stressed constantly that I've forgotten a gift, or that I've forgotten who likes what kind of cookies the best, or that we missed seeing a favorite yearly concert because I didn't have it on a list to check for tickets, etc. And the last thing I want is for my family to feel like the holidays are stressful and rushed...it's definitely my favorite time of year, and I want to pass that along to them. How does your family "holiday"?
  9. Pulled the trigger on a MacBook Pro 14” from Best Buy yesterday. $400 off so I walked away with it for just under 1400 w/tax after I used up rewards I got when I bought a new washer/dryer a couple of weeks ago. And now I have more rewards to “spend” later lol One item off my list!!
  10. I'm sure that most of these are a long shot for BF but I will shop anyway! MacBook Pro Chicken treats and toys Ice cream making machineGoalie gear for DS11These are more realistic bed sheets PS5 and Xbox Series X gamesliving room furniturenew rubbermaid containers
  11. Hello September! I am now apparently a hockey, soccer AND football mom, and I'm not sure how the last 2 really came about. DS12 decided that he wants to continue playing for 2 soccer teams (one rec and one competitive) AND also play school football for his middle school. I don't really know anything about football (or soccer if I'm being honest), but it seems like a lot to me. He is loving it so far. Thankfully football is a short season, and soccer will let up a little bit here in another month, too. Then we're just back to hockey and a little soccer for a while. For the first time ever, DS11 and DS12 made the same travel hockey team, which is going to make things a lot simpler for us. No more dividing to conquer between DH and I, who takes which kid to which tournament or practice. I love my kids, and I love that they love sports, but I think we're at capacity for now. LOL I am also LOLing that the middle school (grades 7 and 8 only) has not only a football "practice" field and a game field, but also an athletic director. These people take their football very seriously - I'd rather just bang on the glass at hockey. At least I know how to dress for the rink! DS12 is worried I'm going to yell at him to get the puck instead of the ball (has happened at soccer games, oops) or make some other inappropriate-for-football comments during his games. I tell him that's part of being his mother, I get to embarrass him now. LOL
  12. I am sorry to hear this. Praying for peace and comfort for your family.
  13. I'm with everyone else wondering how it is August. What happened to summer? I am not ready for school to start (and I'm just a parent, not a teacher). They've changed the start time for one kid's school to 7:30 and I don't like that, either. <insert grumpy bear here> LOL In other news, our chickens have finally started laying a few eggs with some regularity, so that's exciting! Hockey tryouts start tonight, so I guess we'll see if all of the summer training paid off for the boys. Also coming up this month, DH's birthday, the state fair, and the kickoff to the Holiday Grand Plan (Christmas readiness plan)! stina629, I hope you are feeling better quickly and that your C-19 case stays mild!
  14. I ended up buying some cleaner that was on sale, a couple of sewing gadgets and some shoes for DH (in addition to the salad bowl). Pretty lowkey, and I agree that it's overwhelming to go through a list of thousands of items looking for something I might be interested in. I had a couple of items on my shopping list (didn't end up purchasing either of them). I guess I'll watch pricing on them both for the next few months and hope for a better deal come Black Friday! (c'mon Black Friday!!!)
  15. I just ordered a Bentgo Salad container that's a lightning deal for $11.99. I am heading to hockey camp next week with DS12, planning on prepping a salad for our travel day. I'm also checking out the Pod Rocker chair in navy. I think that might make a comfy chair for soccer games, and I like that it folds all the way up. We have a different rocking chair but it takes up a lot more room even when it's folded down.
  16. I've been eyeballing that one. I found this article on a comparison between the Whynter, Cuisinart and Breville machines, and now I know more than I EVER wanted to know about making ice cream. LOL http://icecreamscience.com/cuisinart-ice-100-vs-breville-bci600xl-vs-whynter-icm-200ls/ I'm leaning toward the Cuisinart at this point, with the Breville a close second. I don't like the complaints about how hard it is to get the finished product out of the Breville (which is sort of the whole point to making ice cream...eaing it!). I haven't found any deals anywhere today, on any of these machines. How's everyone else doing with Prime Day? Find any bargains I can't live without? I haven't bought anything yet.
  17. Got my $10, thanks for the heads up! I have decided that what my family needs more than anything in the world is an ice cream maker! I bought the Ninja Creami and took it back as soon as I figured out that you have to freeze the ingredients for up to 24 hours before you decide to make the ice cream. I want something where I don't have to plan ahead other than to have ingredients on hand (and I refuse to deal with ice and salt), and I don't want to have to keep a bowl in the freezer all the time. This means I apparently need a compressor ice cream maker. Hopefully Prime Days don't disappoint!!!
  18. Oof, hope you are on the mend quickly...I know a few folks who have just recently tested positive for Covid after making it all the way through the first 2.5 years. Everyone seems to be recovering so far. *fingers crossed*
  19. Happy July! We ended June by celebrating youngest DS (now 11) birthday. Fireworks every night starting last night through the fourth, and if previous years are any indication, our neighbors will continue setting them off for some time after that. We stopped in Missouri on our way back from our gulf vacation a few weeks ago and loaded up on all the "good" fireworks, so we've been setting off one or two each night this week. Looking forward to Prime Days! Not sure I need anything but that never stopped me from buying something before! LOL
  20. Happy June! Lots of family health struggles right now, and life-changing decisions. Dementia sucks. Looking forward to better days, hopefully this summer will straighten itself up and act right. lol
  21. Happy May! I am so ready for cold/rainy weather to go away. The boys have 18 school days left, and I'm ready for that to be done, too! A robin mama built a nest on DS12's outside windowsill, so we are keeping an eye on that little family (4 eggs!). Congratulations to all of the graduates!
  22. March felt like the longest month of my life, for no particular reason other than it just seemed to drag. We *somehow* ended up with 8 baby chicks recently, I'm looking forward to them going outside soon and taking their noise with them! lol
  23. Helloooooo March! Welcome welcome welcome! I think we are finally done with ice and snow. I am so ready for winter to be done, even though I have a terrible head cold and don't want to be outside right now. I know better days are coming! This month will mark 2 years of working from home for both DH and I. He has started re-transitioning back into the office one day a week, as some sort of pilot program. I think they will make a longer term decision about their status sometime in July.
  24. Happy February! We are getting ready for the snowpocalypse that's heading our way later this evening. DS10 picked out new winter boots, pants, gloves and a snow shovel yesterday...I think he thinks he's going to make some money shoveling drives. We have a snowplow, but he is determined to shovel. We'll see how long that lasts! lol Meanwhile, the boys' hockey season is in full swing and will not slow down with additional snow, so I'm loading up my truck with handwarmers, blankets, flashlights, extra water, etc. I just got back from one last trip to the grocery store for ground beef ($2.89/lb) so I can make some vegetable soup and chili. DS11 has finally reached an age where he appreciates homemade soup! Hope everyone is safe and warm!
  25. Happy New Year! I ended up spending Christmas Day at urgent care with DS10 - he tested positive for influenza A. He’s back to rights now and I am ready for these boys to go back to school! (1/6 needs to get here fast!) I go back to work tomorrow after having 17 days off. This is going to hurt. I hope I can still remember my passwords lol
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