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  1. Thank you so much!!
  2. Can you tell me where to look for the " (note, these are eligible for Buy 2 get 1 free on select Hasbro games, however I do not know how to link to the promo specifically. )". I can't find it and would love to buy these games. Thank you.
  3. Received mine in the mail today! :)
  4. The headbanz game is in the wal-mart ad this week for $10. I took my ad to Target and they price matched it...no shipping costs and I used my red card for an extra 5% off. :)
  5. Just checked and it shows it in stock. :)
  6. I just purchased 4 DS Games for $42.xx after shipping and tax. They have a deal for certain games in their Cyber Sale...2 games for $30.00. Included in this deal is a set of 3 Lego games regularly $49.00. So if you add this set and one more game they will both show up for $15.oo each in your cart. So I got the 3 Lego games ( Indiana Jones, Batman and Battles) plus I added the Lego Stars and got them all for $42.xx total. Not a bad deal and my nephew will be so happy this Christmas! :) http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=10913595 First post...hope the link works! :)
  7. yes you can! :)
  8. Just tried again and it still works! :)
  9. Thank you! Have been waiting for it to get back in stock...DD will be so excited Christmas morning!
  10. Thank you...just got a coat and a shirt for $54.xx shipped. I hadn't realized you can combine coupons on their site! :)
  11. Just go this from the walmart site: **Wii Gift Card offer good from 8 am Dec. 5 to Dec. 12. Quantities of all items are limited. No rainchecks. Offer not valid in Puerto Rico or on Walmart.com. We may limit the number of items purchased per customer. Void where prohibited. ***Event dates: Dec.1 to Dec. 24. Offer not valid in Puerto Rico. Prices and availability may vary on Walmart.com. Limited quantities. No rainchecks. It is under the In-Store specials department. Hope this helps.
  12. We also have a Vizio 32 inch bought at Sam's Club and is a year old. We love ours too. Never any problems and the picture is high quality.:)
  13. Thank you! 5 Birthday and Christmas gifts checked off the list! Thanks for the post!:)
  14. I took the ad to Target yesterday and they price matched the Fortress at the service counter. Very nice and all were impressed at the price. My 4 year old will be so thrilled! :)
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