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Everything posted by mom395222

  1. Thank you!!! This is one of the remaining games I needed to get!
  2. This can not be used for clearance items, still a great deal with the sale prices!!
  3. Even with shipping this is a great deal! I have this purse in paprike (of course paid the $63 for it) and its a pretty decent size purse, with a lot of pockets! WELL worth this money!
  4. Wow thanks! The customerloyalty09 worked for me 10% off AND free shipping!!
  5. My mil got me the mini one yesterday at Kohls! It was on sale for $89.99 and she had the 30% off! Great deal!
  6. Well, my order wasn't cancelled but I just looked at my bank acct and CCS has charged my debit card twice!
  7. I can't believe it's been in stock this long at WalMart!
  8. Yes, thanks I am aware of that. I just meant that I had went to delete it from the site, but I never saved it in my info for future purchases. I know now to keep an eye out on my bank account...although I check it everyday anyhow;)
  9. Well, I ordered this exact coat from them last year for the same price. While they have never charged my card for anything bogus, the coat WAS a piece of crap, and ripped out LOL! I just checked my account there after reading the other thread, and luckily I don't have a CC on file!
  10. Just wanted to give an update. We picked the table up, and took everything out of the box to make sure it was ok. There was one small crack on the end, but nothin too bad. The box was pretty beat up, and it is pretty big and heavy, so it was really being shoved around to fit in the truck, so I wasn't too surprised. Dh and I decided for $100, and the heaviness, it was not even enough to worry about taking it back! DH was VERY skeptical when I told him I ordered it, but was pretty impressed with how nice it actually is for the $! I will let you all know once it's put together! Yes, by the way, this IS a xmas gift for the kids, but they got early, we figured we needed to have it out and put together now, in case there was anything wrong with it.
  11. Oh my Gosh!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! My kids wanted a pool table for Christmas for the basement, and I just got this one! Even better....my local store had it, so I am able to pick it up!!!!
  12. I was going to get it for my almost 12 year old, but wanted to make sure it'd be ok. I'm glad I looked at that auction!
  13. I just tried to look up some reviews for this, and found a listing on Ebay, and this is what is listed in the auction. This system connects directly to your tv. Allow you to transmit live audio and video to your tv. Adult needed to connect camera to TV or vCR. VCR required to record. This video system alone DOES NOT record.
  14. I ordered the Large size 6, and I'm normally a 3. It fits me perfect, and I absolutely love it:gdthums:
  15. mom395222


    I actually have a layaway at Kmart right now, mine only charges a fee for layaways under $100. The only thing I see different, is they are a lot more strict about the payments, you have to make them every 2 weeks, and they give you about 1 week after it's due til they put it back.
  16. Looks like it may be over now I get $8.99 for 1 year! Thanks though!
  17. Oh....I'm going through the same thing. Mine are 9 and 10, the 10 yr old is in 5th grade and he still believes, I love that he does, but at the same time, I wonder how many of the kids in his class still believe....I don't want him to get picked on! I have been contemplating on whether or not I should just sit them both down and tell them:( I think I will try and get this one last Christmas in with them still believing, then I'll probably confess before next year.
  18. Those tins can come in pretty handy...many uses for them! I have a bunch that I store some Christmas decorations in, you greenery like your garland and stuff...you can fit tons in there, just wind it up inside
  19. The day after Christmas last year, I bought some of the big Folgers coffee gift sets, with the coffee and 2 bigs mugs, I put them up for this year...I think I paid like $2 a piece!! (Coffee doesn't go bad right? LOL)
  20. Just ordered 12 more gifts for my 2 boys through the big Amazon toy sale posted in the online deals forum. 12 gifts for $30 and free shipping...that's awesome LOL!
  21. We only get together with my in-laws on Christmas day...nice and quiet :) But on Christmas Eve we have 2 different get togethers, one with my family one with hubbys. This year will be the 1st year I have it at our house for my family, since we have to go pretty for for DH's this year we will be doing it on Sat before Christmas Eve since CE falls on SUn. So I'm pretty excited to get to have my 1st family Christmas..there will just be 13 of us.
  22. Chocolate gravy? Hmmmm...I'm intrigued...mind sharin what that is?
  23. Well, one of the 1st BF's my sister and I went out on, we went to Ames (used to be Hills) and neither is around anymore, anyways, the 1st 100 people through the door that morning got a scratch off ticket...it was good for 10% all the way to 50% off your total.....there was only 1 50% off one per store, and my sister got it....I got a 20% off one...now that was NICE!
  24. LOL...that's too funny! Very creative!
  25. We got to my DH's side of the family for a big get together, dinner, gift exchange, and kids opening gifts...then we are off to my side of the family for even more fun! It's a crazy day and we don't get home til about midnight, but I enjoy it and so do the kids! And by the time we get home they are pooped!!
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