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Everything posted by sigrist_2000

  1. since bankruptcy they cut out a lot of things such as this and have more stricter policies
  2. HI everyone from WBNS-10tv!!! Was on their evening news. Showed site and some of the stores offerings and the disclaimer of no guarantee of the ads until they come out! Was very fair and actually told people to check it out to get sales before anyone else! And that Andrea (one of the best anchors ever) is addicted to this site! http://www.wbns10tv.com/Global/link.asp?L=119095 Link added - RossMAN
  3. Its gonna be huge...(maybe it'll appear as a 2 week statement!)
  4. walmart is 3.44...best buy is 3.99...and i am hoping they r the same assortment..cuz i need some of those!
  5. beginning to wonder if target has all the deals..if if is this secretive (i wont mind if they dont....)
  6. yes!! but ill be patient....
  7. http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=15792 thats the ones that are currently scanned...more should soon follow
  8. Gap and Old Navy are owned by the same company
  9. sigrist_2000

    Hot Topic?

    they have online sites too. just use the stores name followed by .com...they are all owned by same company..so all the websites will look the same
  10. sigrist_2000

    Hot Topic?

    media play/musicland/sam goody's might be alternatives
  11. we have a regular wally world here...but come february the supercenter will be opened!
  12. some stores have to be careful as to how many people are allowed in the store for fire code reasons...
  13. sigrist_2000

    Hot Topic?

    i think they have in the past...time will tell
  14. how does one get on their mailing list?
  15. thats awesome! neat gift..he'll definately like that!
  16. i dont think we know yet..one year was 6am..but they opened doors around 5 or so..cuz i was there and went to meijers and then to target all by 6
  17. that works too...especially if the lines are long...but i would agree that most do what u all dp..stand in line while the others find more deals, etc.
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