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Everything posted by stevens322

  1. Same here. I will wait on some better prices on both of those games.
  2. Yeah, disappeared on mine too. When you are on the main Black Friday page, click on ALL Deals near the top. The Lightning Round bar then comes back.
  3. Looks like it is the Punky Brewster 8 season set for $1.99. Here is a link for all the DVD's they will have on sale this week. http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=amb_link_354557702_2?ie=UTF8&docId=1000452571&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=right-blog-0&pf_rd_r=0H8C6P9WWRRR1ABTM3H2&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1280959002&pf_rd_i=12917411
  4. Amazon is starting the lightning rounds....Hot prices on video games. Spiderman Shattered Dimensions, $34.99. http://www.amazon.com/Outlet/b/ref=bf_video?ie=UTF8&node=409566&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=left-2&pf_rd_r=1CV40DM1823GXAYFEFP5&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1278241022&pf_rd_i=384082011
  5. Amazon is starting to match some of the Blu-Ray and DVD prices......
  6. For those looking at the Sony Blu-Ray player in the ad for $99. Amazon has the same one right now for the same price. No tax...... http://www.amazon.com/Sony-BDP-S370-Blu-ray-Disc-Player/dp/B0036WS4CA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1290672248&sr=8-1
  7. Greenville/Simpsonville SC.
  8. To and fro we go others dashing about to one endless mindset
  9. #1. Just wait and see what I buy on BF. #2. The gift for himself is in the Victoria Secret bag. Thankfully they had it in men's sizes. #3. Gee, they make this print smaller each year.
  10. Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury
  11. Thanks OP. One gift down.....
  12. Looks like illuminations.com may be going out of business. 50% off, also code for 25% off. http://www.illuminations.com/jump.jsp?itemID=20517&itemType=CATEGORY&iMainCat=10&viewall Use code 999201406 for an additional 25% off
  13. Got my order placed.....only one more store to go. thanks Brad.
  14. Looks like when you add the items to your cart they go to the BF price. Weeeeee, lots of tools coming my way.
  15. try this, works great. http://store.theantcommandos.com/Universal-PS2-PS3-Adapter-p/gtr-ps3-adpt.htm
  16. Got it set-up and running. No cables included. Very pleased with the picture, and quality.
  17. Just got back from KMart. Got the 32" LCD. I was in and out of there in 5 minutes. They were very organized. Handed out tickets. I got in line about 5:50, and was about 100th in line. Guess everyone else wanted WII's, or GPS. Good luck to all, and Happy Thanksgiving.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by stevens322 Kohl's will have one for $49.99. Looks like the same one we bought last year. Comes with carrying case. Ours is still going strong. I checked with the store yesterday, and it includes the DVD player. Also the rebate will be instant $$$ off.
  19. Fortunately we still have one near us. I have been there the last 2 BF's, when they opened at midnight. I got there about an hour before each time, and got everything I wanted. By the time they opened, there were 500+ in line. You need to get your stuff and get out, because the check-out lines are attrocious.
  20. Kohl's will have one for $49.99. Looks like the same one we bought last year. Comes with carrying case. Ours is still going strong.
  21. The Optoma Projector and free screen looks like a pretty good deal. I have been wanting to get something like this to use outside on the deck from time to time. Does anyone have any experience or feedback about this model. Thanks in advance. Yours in BF'ing.......
  22. Any means possible....lol....
  23. Ditto this..I would never think of doing this. Fortunately I am a rather large man, and a glaring stare usually let's them know they are going to the back.
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