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Everything posted by stevens322

  1. Wow, sorry to hear about your horrible experience. We normally shop the one in Mauldin, SC. Usually have a good experience there, but didn't go this year.
  2. I pledge to stick around.....
  3. Take a look at post#72. i had the same issue last night.
  4. Same here...night all.
  5. Click on the customer service link at the bottom of the splash page, it will take you to your sign in....but make sure the prices have changed. If not clink on the item in your cart, then add it again. Price will change. Then delete the one with the old price. Had to do this for 17 items......
  6. Woohoo...order placed....
  7. In, but prices still haven't changed....
  8. Done...
  9. FYI. Make sure you can view the items in your cart. I had 17 items in my cart but was unable to view them, would recieve an error page. Had to log out then start another cart before logging in. They told me some customers are having this issue.
  10. Is anyone else having problems viewing their cart? I click on cart, and keep getting error page.
  11. awesome!!!! Hope it works......
  12. Not so sure we should be so quick to blame Wal-Mart. People are responsible for their own actions. People in general have become less civilized. Or is it just what type of people WalMart attracts. Dunno....FWIW
  13. So is there a difference between the 2? New to wii here.
  14. Worked for me too. Plus $1 music credit for 'No Rush delivery'.
  15. Originally Posted by HomeinKS Thanks, that is what I am thinking ameyers. I don't have $25 yet for free shipping, but my daughter has prime so I will call her and send her a check I think. Or have your daughter add you to her prime membership. You can add family members to a Prime membership.
  16. Amazon has always come through in the past for me with pricing. Here's the link for the movies they will have: http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/?tag=gottadeal-20&docId=1000747021
  17. Looks like one in the Walmart ad for $28.
  18. We got our 15%, but no $10....shucks.
  19. In the past they have added boxsets and other movies. you need to keep checking to find them.
  20. Where did the Home Depot ad go? It was here a minute ago, I was trying to post to it and 'poof'. Did I break it???
  21. Will probably be better behaved than most of the adults will be....
  22. The excitement almost rivals that of the celebration of Festivus......
  23. Now if it was a Bear's logo.............. See all you packer fans in Chicago next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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