Menards has become the one store that everyone has something to get for us. They really do have something for everyone. I never thought I would become such a fan of Menard's but it is the first place that all of us go on Black Friday. Usually there are 3 couples and we get everything and head for the checkout line. The guys usually take off and head to Staples or Office Depot while we stay and check out. Then the girls and I load up all our stuff and head to Target or Walmart and meet up with the guys later for breakfast somewhere. I am sitting on pins and needles waiting for the new ads. I was at Menard's the other day and I am assuming some of the same things will be on sale again this year. Those things being the fleece blankets, jar candles, choc. covered cherries, mints, lotion/shower gel sets and wrapping paper. As we walked through the store we were trying to figure out what would be back on sale since they are setting up certain endcaps already. Gotta love Black Friday!!!!!!!!