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Everything posted by jfond

  1. I spoke to my local store and they said their online site was having issues, and that may be why you are not seeing status. If you want to check on status of a Ship-to-Store order, you can call your local store.
  2. I just priced the same machine that I ordered with this code on 12/27 and it is now $158 more, so I think this deal is dead
  3. FYI - This code was still valid on 12/27
  4. I was looking at this system also... I think it is a good deal. Does anyone know how long this deal is good for? I was looking at getting a system after Christmas - I am worried about it being delivered and not being there...
  5. On Thanksgiving Day, I ordered 2 of the ScanDisk 1GB cards from officemax.com and didn't have to PM these at WM.
  6. I just ordered 2 of these - much better than having to go to OM for this one item, beats the Staples price by $2 each!!!
  7. We always go to Garden Ridge AFTER dinner - 8 or 9 pm.
  8. One year at Circuit City I could, and the other I couldn't. I have done this successfully at Staples, CompUSA, and BestBuy - but it varies.
  9. http://www.wfaa.com/sharedcontent/dws/wfaa/latestnews/stories/wfaa060217_wz_radioshack.36dc2451.html Electronics retailer RadioShack Corp said it plans to close 400 to 700 underperforming stores.
  10. I had about 1700 taken out of my checking account last year in fraudulent purchases. The bank immediately reversed the charges -and so what does Paypal do even after they had been told this was fraud... tried to charge my Credit Card. The Credit card called - and denied the charged and closed the card. PayPal & FleaBay are EVIL and they do not care if someone gets screwed.
  11. CC- (got there @ 4:45am - and was out of there by 5:30am) 15" LCD TV 1GB MP3 Sam's - Free Breakfast Cabela's - Sleeping Bag 50% off and I had a $10GC they sent me in the mail Sears - Panasonic cordless phone
  12. We attempted to Price Match the Kenny Chesney CD at CC but they wouldn't do it since it was an 5am-noon special - they even told us that they would not price match on BF. We ended up getting it a Target later in the day for $1 more.
  13. It seems like we end up at Olive Garden every year
  14. We have a shopping list of items that we need/want -- and if we can get a good deal on them, we will get them all -- if not, we will wait until after the holidays or when we find a good sale.
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