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Posts posted by drmad7

  1. I went to my local Goodwill and found one of the Target heaters (still new in box) for $8.99! It was one of the oil-filled radiator styles. It wasn't the kind with a fan but for an original price of $50.00, I figure it was a great deal for less than $10.00.
  2. Thanks fairydustcrissy! I was Target Easton here in Columbus and they are still at 30%. I keep checking for the 50% price. Everytime I'm in the store, I scan almost everything in my cart. Of course, this is while I'm perusing the endcaps in every section. And I'm sure they know me by now-"the tall Black guy in the cowboy hat is in in here every week walking down the back aisles!".
  3. The sale was going on this weekend too. Bought a couple of Dockers shirts for $5.77 and they had jackets marked to about $10.00 (the vests anyway). Also, they had a coupon for $10.00 off $50.00 purchase that was good for Saturday only. They will probably repeat that sale again(the coupon I mean).
  4. He's right! AOL IS the spawn of Satan. I went through the whole "still charging my credit card after I canceled the sorry service" deal a few years ago. Twice! Almost a year after I had the trouble with them, I notice charges started coming from them again. After I called and got my refund/credit for the second time in two years, I told my wife that I know this is a scam that they are running. Like the guy at the bank who only takes only a few cents from everyone's account; it all adds up to illegal profit. AOL sucks and they steal!
  5. Also, Target donates their stuff to Goodwill. The emplyees can sometimes tell what day the stuff will be picked up by Goodwill. Bought a $200.00 Shabby Chic dresser for $15.00 at Goodwill. No defects. But the box was mangled. And if you have ever ordered furniture from Target, you know the boxes are always mangled!
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