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  1. Gator Pam, all of those cheesecakes look so delicious and amazing!!! The Meyer lemon was the one that seemed to stand out to me. My family would love all of those, especially the peanut butter cup one.
  2. Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas!!! I hope everyone is having a great holiday season!
  3. Congrats on the $500 off of $500 coupon!!! That is amazing!
  4. Thank you very much, Brad! It helps out a lot.
  5. Congrats to all the winners!
  6. Kohls- Beats Solo 4 Headphones $99.99 Kohls- Arcade1Up Ms. Pac-man deluxe arcade machine $399.99 Kohls- Arcade1Up Mortal Kombat II deluxe arcade machine $399.99 Meijer- Switch Pro Controller $49.99 Meijer- Super Mario Odyssey Switch game $29.99 Total=$979.95
  7. Congratulations to all the winners!
  8. I'm just glad it didn't snow here this Halloween. Last Halloween, we had heavy snow right in the middle of trick-or-treating hours. I felt so bad for the trick-or-treaters that I just started handing out handfuls of candy. This year was more like normal Halloween weather, but we didn't have as many kids show up.
  9. I like the projection screen for $11.00. We had one just like it when I was growing up that we watched family movies on. It brings back good memories.
  10. Congrats to all the winners!!!
  11. I think this Santa in carbonite ornament would be great for any Star Wars fan or as a white elephant gift. https://a.co/d/hU55Fnj
  12. I have some avid book readers in my family. This gift set with tote, keychain, bracelet, and canvas makeup bag(which can also be used for bookmarks) would be a nice present for them. https://a.co/d/bl3hTtd
  13. This would be a great gift for my son or anyone else who loves axolotls and/or Ramen noodles. https://www.amazon.com/Snackles-Maruchan-ZURU-Collectible-Licensed/dp/B0CD2ZKLCG/ref=sr_1_48?crid=3VAZPIKAQEGQ0&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.UOizXL-pSNmanfz3iRGC6r49UvbAnkjAZRL720Qj6raOzda-3SU8Z7PSEQn8NRdL8jO1Ta8ep10SJB1FBVJxqgWGEKxjFsNMiIbs7ZBSSGkJG7YrF_S9vhZwx0T_Xt5SXbyV0-jLNPWmtLkJbm0mmXK4jn3C_RsPX7ruXkncj4Me5xQpebhY9owf6re6CTHY1Os2M2GbkbEabJhr_YbhVCLAKLf3Xlx04eG_9hOJngX494f8iG39fDEGC1_472cUHUzxcwXOVKX9yC6sdxRERHb-J4qLukCkl14fkNXMZaY.m045aIAdh0zuv3uBZSfNQCZoQU3x12pNcHAmUR3D00s&dib_tag=se&keywords=axolotl&qid=1729888265&sprefix=axlotl%2Caps%2C303&sr=8-48&th=1
  14. We gave this frame to my daughter and son-in-law and they loved it. It would be good for any couple that loves The Nightmare Before Christmas. https://www.amazon.com/Enesco-Showcase-Nightmare-Christmas-Multicolor/dp/B0919BCHMP/ref=sr_1_3?crid=3OZSV78N3WGMV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.HOP5QBzrfUK7TbZoFdOytt4YlEQr7N2IzldH_LLLHFsmOUMF09Yj8rP71QRwlvLQ-EnZB_tfbrgbPDNj36oQYlgLuHOmIbLhkIoBFivhTOeY3FR4wgyVyfF3DXsPmwkglJHpjJcyeMvEr4kk4Z32YufdhBYNKCynDmI-csbs4cAOnSgw8y3ECg_M6uXgAJWjnJGnmJ6zmnxk41YlHHzmmHadBWn75O4gIsbzwycX8F1RJ3-ocpQ6XW4iv19BfF5MZPz96py5CG64n_iOW56oKNWCzIDnty9qDejvg6ExTzg.Uxku3XjZCdUA5fwXcaIia9B4HHvOTZmws5COdLCovZE&dib_tag=se&keywords=nightmare+before+christmas+frame&qid=1729827681&sprefix=nightmare+before+christmas+frame%2Caps%2C594&sr=8-3
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