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About niclar

  • Birthday 10/20/1978
  1. niclar

    shopping list

    good question
  2. The title of the thread was a bit snobbish....Cause I shop at walmart and target doesnt result in me having less "classier" taste.... but I know that wasnt your intent....I think all stores have some kind of sale. BF is the beginning of the official holiday shopping season. Its all about making money..They want to draw the crowds...
  3. LMAO...Been there too.
  4. Oh I hate that too...I always have mines filled out and redy to go so all I have to do is put in the amount.
  5. I saw it too..my son will love it and im sure my hubby can get some use out of it as well....Also...I dont rrust my local Target either when it comes to PM;)
  6. niclar


    Hey!! Thats where I live :)
  7. I agree with the other poster..I refuse to pay that kind of money on under wear and bra's when I can go to Walmart and get a complete set for better price..and yes..I too am still sexy...lol. But I love there perfumes Heavenly Angel is my favorite of all so I will stop by to see what they will have.
  8. Ive never shopped Target on BF before, they normally dont have anything I want...BUT, this year they have so much that I was looking to get. This ad has got me excited. I cant wait now
  9. I think it depends on age...the younger set will enjoy the gamecube...as they get older i say in there teens then I would go for a PS2...
  10. niclar

    Kmart ad

    Last year my local KMart opened at 7am I believe...I stood in line for the GBA games and they are a good deal and still are this year. They are great stocking stuffers. Even if it is an older game if my son doesnt have it its new to him. I do agree o quantity though...they dont stock alot..
  11. The have had the best video game sales for the past two years..I like going thanksgiving morning,helps get me warmed up for BF.
  12. The loan company i have my car note through does the same thing. So thats as much of a bonus im gonna get...extending my loan another month, at least i'll have the extra $$ now
  13. Go eat lunch with my shopping partners. Then head home to get comfy and put up the christmas tree..
  14. The past few years I was in line an hour early and was able to get what I went for so I think that will be good. If it wasnt so cold I would go earlier
  15. I make a list..of the store i am going to first, the items i need from that store in order of importance and then the next store and so on and so forth. I check them off as I go. This way I dont miss anything or have to back track. I also note the prices in my list and watch as they are being scanned to make sure everything is coming up correctly.
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