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  1. Hi, I've been a frequent reader of the forums, but first time posting. I'm in a small Kansas town, so I visited our Walmart today to ask about the week-ahead (Nov. 22) price matching. We don't have competitors (ie. Target, TRU, Best Buy) nearby, so usually our local store doesn't price match. I spoke to the markdown gal in the toys section. Here's what she told me: she said there are 248 markdowns in toys and electronics beginning at 8 a.m. Friday. She said she is coming in and manually marking down items, beginning at 8. So, if I want something that isn't marked down yet, find her and ask her to check the price. I've been looking online for a full list of planned markdowns, but can't find one -- aside from the items Walmart listed in its press release. 248 items was waaaay more than I was expecting.
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