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About KristeeMom2OneGirl

  • Birthday 01/14/1980
  1. Would you share which games you got?
  2. I'm antsy now, but will be much more antsy once all the ads come out! Can't wait!
  3. I'm a massage therapist so I just mark my schedule out that day and just don't get paid. Usually I'm really busy that week anyway so I deserve a little break!
  4. I'll go to Kmart Thanksgiving Day IF I see something that won't be cheaper the next day!
  5. Best Buy usually for the doorbusters. Then maybe Walmart. But this year we have a new BB&B and Circuit City right across the highway from Best Buy so we'll see how their deals fare!
  6. Usually home between noon and 2pm.
  7. Would like a new laptop and tv for me and DH. And a DS lite for DD.
  8. KristeeMom2OneGirl

    too soon?

    a little too soon...it almost has me skeptical if they are real. i don't remember them coming out this early before (since i've been BF shopping).
  9. Usually just me and DS. She didn't want to go at first and now she's more excited than me!
  10. Got my sister's laptop last year from BB. May not have been the "best" deal ($399), but it was lucky that we actually got one AND it had everything on it that she needed! So - YAY, us!
  11. I was just going to post the same thing about the financial situation, afrey66 Does anyone think that the deals will be better because for the same reason?
  12. I'll be at the BB in Harvey, LA (10 min. from New Orleans) with my sister! Can't wait!
  13. That's the one I'm looking for too!
  14. Just wondering if GameStop will still do BF specials and if we'll get the ad?
  15. Which store has the best vaccume deals? I usually get a cheapie one (like $50 at WM), but I'm ready for a good vaccume that will actually work for longer than a year! Are there any good BF deals for vaccumes? Or am I just not seeing them?
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