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Everything posted by borail

  1. I think nest year Im going to look at buying the discover card so I can just go buy the product before black friday and price match! Does anyone know which discover card I need to do this? Which type I've been reading about the price match offered by discover on another site.
  2. I hope in 5 minutes they put on a bunch more items!
  3. The admins probably all went to bed by now anyways.
  4. Whats the link for the sheets I want to take a look at them.
  5. Yea he was in the wrong! The 1 hour guarantee should include exactly what was for sale. Pretty sad these stores are not aware of this while surely others are.
  6. I was suprised Gamestop still had the wii u for sale. Well I clicked on it out of curiosity and it you can still add to cart but is backordered. Also toysrus has it online right now. I am sure these will be the item parents will be waiting in line for or buying on ebay in frantic at last minute. I dont expect them to be easy to get. I have 2 Im waiting for the price to go up then I am planning on saleing.
  7. Well the thing I have been keeping my eye on hoping it will go online has been sold out for past 2 days and still at its full price the Plantronics Bluetooth Headset.
  8. Do they come in 2 xl? Lol. I dont know if I can stay up tell 4 am like I did yesterday.
  9. You people are going to be super ticked if they don't post anything else online! I thought the list they posted was very small!
  10. So the actual black friday isnt tell Tommorow night at midnight or Friday night for the stores if you were to go in person?
  11. Why did they bother sending out that email if they are not going to be doing online sales pretty soon?
  12. Some guy came in and told me that the Twinikies are going for like 36 dollars a box on ebay! I wish I would of known that they would bring some money like that I might of bought some to resale.
  13. I think its a bunch of crap you tell your shoppers a time and you don't stick by it! Walmart is not the only one on that though!
  14. Yea and you notice some of that stuff they show in the pic isnt even on the 72 shown.
  15. They only have 72 online only deals?
  16. I work for Sams Club and we are not opening tell 7 am this year probably since everyone keeps moving the times back every year. I am also hoping there will be no deaths this year but I don't think that is likely. No deaths at our club on blackfriday but I mean across the us.
  17. Yea hes paying for your blackfriday shopping! What a guy! LOL!
  18. So as long as we have in our cart we are good tell checkout?
  19. So when they posted last year did they post the ad of the online stuff on there main page so ppl could browse it and see stuff and click to go buy?
  20. When it does go live will they post an online ad on there main page so we can see and get to what we want faster?
  21. Ok thanks at least I know Im going thru. Lol!
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