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Everything posted by avguydan
Yes amazon and other places have bundles at already close prices to the BB total if you are also getting the extra lens. So if you want some UV filters, cleaning tools, bigger SD card you can already buy from there. I just want to take advantage of getting points and financing which is why I am waiting on BB. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
I am also getting this camera. I believe they will have enough stock as the NEX 5R is still a "new" trend being a micro four thirds with interchangeable lens as opposed to a standard size dslr. At least that's what I am banking on. Hope that more are going for the Canon or Nikon ones on sale. I am also doing the deal for $100 off the telephoto lens. As it isn't a door buster I can buy this on Monday under the silver early access, the demand from there is usually an indicator of how much stock BB puts to items, hoping it doesn't sell out quick on Mon. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
Haha in my case its staying warm as this yr will be cold!! But I will be in line anyway still. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
Way better than "points" from Amex or others that are really pity gifts lol. I am going to look into this for next BF! Thanks for the tips. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
I didn't know that! May have to ditch my regular BB Reward zone card and get the MC one. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
Already in line on Monday?! You my friend are way more hardcore than I would venture to be lol. Hope you get good 3g/4g coverage while you're waiting. Last year the site was incredibly underpowered for the traffic from all us silver members. I am praying those on the west coast will oversleep since it'll be 8am their time Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
I'm hoping I can knock off at least my camera kit, laptop, SDHC cards, PS3 games, maybe a couple blu rays. I would go nuts if any door busters go up like the 55" Samsung since I have to order for my sister. That will eliminate having to line up next week at the store! Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
Woke up this morning to see those two words I have been waiting for Early access is 11/19 at 11am EST, same 4 days ahead like last year. Preview is Sunday 11/18. For others that have silver status what are you hoping to get early? Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
lol well for me all it took were one large TV purchase twice over the past few years. If you shop BB it is worth it, expedited shipping, easy returns, and deals!! The BF early access to me is worth every penny. While I wait in line I will have gotten the online items a day before I can focus on other stuff. Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
Last year the early access email notice went out on 11/20 for early shopping on 11/21 from noon-midnight. Using this logic we still have maybe 5 more days til they may give a heads up with early access on the 19th. Really hope I am right Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2
I really would be up for getting in line early, but my wife and family would probably say otherwise about me missing Thanksgiving "lunch" (we always eat early) lol, but it is true that this year's ad doesn't have as much "wow" factor, hopefully people will be attracted to other stores such as Walmart. But it is a little comforting to know that there are a lot of stores in the area I'll be in (where I live we only have 2 for a lot more than 35,000 ppl lol). The BB doorbuster policy on their site looks like it was modified since previous years, hopefully they will be more strict with those that aren't there to buy the items for themselves. Thanks all for your replies! Now I just wish the stupid BB android app wasn't a POS so I can browse easier while waiting in line next week :-) Always have to revert to their mobile site.....
Hopefully this policy will be enforced company wide, it's really scamming people by getting a ticket handed to you one minute then turning right around and asking cash for it. I think the BB people would easily be able to catch on since they would all run out of tickets for everything pretty quickly, leaving a lot of disgruntled people standing in line right behind those schemers. I wouldn't want a mob of a couple hundred people behind me pissed off :-)
I guess my only hopes are the fact that within a small radius there are a lot of BB's in Long Island, may help to spread people out a little more..... Now I'm wondering if I should go earlier and my brother in-law can join later (or is this considered line jumping?). It's disheartening to hear that people just grab up whatever tickets they can and sell them, there is no policy against this? To take tickets that they were just handed and screw over others is sad. I say if they get out of line to sell tickets then they should have all their tickets confiscated and asked to leave the grounds.
So this year will mark the first year I have not sat in the safety of my own house like a recluse shopping online :-) I've volunteered myself to help my sister and her family get some electronics upgrades, BB has the $800 Samsung 55" LED doorbuster as well as the Samsung laptop combo doorbuster for $350. While our hopes are low that we will actually get these, we will brave the NY cold that will be inevitable that night to stand in line. At least waiting in line won't be a complete waste if I get some online deals while waiting. I'll be out of my element as I won't even be at my "home" store where I know where everything is, will be down on the island. Not sure if it'll be crazy as people will be replenishing their lost electronics from Sandy or quiet as some people are just this week getting back their power. In the area I'll be in tough there wasn't a lot of outages or damage. Is there any general rule of thumb for how early you should expect to head out to get in line? We don't have to be the first ones there, but at least want to have a fighting chance at getting some tickets for some doorbusters. I was thinking we might be ok if we aim for 8pm for the midnight opening, or is this way too late? Myself, I'm looking forward to getting the Sony NEX5R bundle + tele lens deal which isn't a doorbuster but BB is the only one to have this on sale. Due to having a BB card I want the points and financing as I know this camera can be had right now for about the same price on Amazon or BuyDig, but I do use BB a lot and points go a long way as I end up getting extra points for using my card + being silver status. All these purchases (if we get em) will also push me to another year of silver as well, so a few birds with one stone!