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Everything posted by ILoveGoodDeals

  1. This happened to me last night with the PS3 bundle and no matter what I tried it wouldn't correct itself. The price was right in the cart but wrong place order screen. Time finally ran out on me. Luckily I was able to get the deal when it went up again today. Sorry this happened to you too!
  2. Not too shabby tonight. Just picked up the Coby LEDTV2326 23-Inch 1080p 60Hz LED HDTV for $78 on lightning deal.
  3. I finally took the plunge after it being up every day. It's equivalent to the Target deal, so not the worst. If the $97 one finally comes up tomorrow and I'm lucky enough to get one then I guess my Dad's getting a tv for Christmas
  4. Yay for wait list! Even if you both are #1, lol!!
  5. I clicked the button on a whim just to see and I got it. But then I got scared to spend $688 right now, so I'm letting it go. I hope one of you is on the wait list and gets it!
  6. My order confirmation email has a part that is making me a little nervous... "Please note: Due to high demand, one or more of the items you ordered as noted below will be shipped to you directly from one of our stores. In the event the item is no longer available from there, you will receive an e-mail informing you of this situation. In addition, our personal shoppers are available at 1-800-290-8390 to help you find a similar item."
  7. I just got the Skylanders Giants Starter Kit for $49.99. Sorry if this is a bad link. I'm on my phone and it won't let me out of mobile site hell. http://m.kmart.com/keyword.do?keyword=%22Skylanders+giants+starter%22&value1=search&vName=&vertName=&value=&selectedFilter=
  8. Exactly. Let's not attack the people who work hard to help us get these deals. BestBuy.com is flakey every year.
  9. The last page of the ad on their website says "Black Friday starts early on Walmart.com. Shop all day on Thanksgiving online." I saw them responding to questions on their Facebook page, but I don't want to risk being attacked by all the people on there ripping them for making their employees work Thanksgiving
  10. I got the Nabi 2 this morning for $129.99 with free shipping thanks to the instant deal alerts from here. I love this site!!
  11. My sister sent this over to me and it doesn't seem like it would be true... Any input? "-Items on layaway that are paid off on Black Friday will be sold at Black Friday pricing. -You may use coupons on layaway Black Friday items. -You can price match other stores Black Friday ads (even on layaway items paid off on Black Friday)." http://m.southernsavers.com/2012/11/walmart-black-friday-price-matching-layaway/
  12. I have something from yesterday being delivered today as well. I love having an Amazon fulfillment center 30 min from my house!
  13. So the 32" tv at 3:00pm PST today is the same one from yesterday?
  14. Try not to get angry because the stress is not worth it. Black Friday pretty much guarantees malfunctioning websites, missing sales and cancelled orders "I saw a Lightning Deal advertised as starting at 2:00 p.m. today, but now it's 2:00 p.m., and I don't see the deal. What's up? We try our best to accurately advertise upcoming deals, but we reserve the right to cancel, postpone, or modify deals at any time." http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=bf2011_faq?ie=UTF8&docId=1000456571&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=left-1&pf_rd_r=11CYH8PKRMGPBEJ5M8K8&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1421109062&pf_rd_i=384082011
  15. Pretty sure it won't be up tonight. These are the only items I see left to come today: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y188/chellec1219/ScreenShot2012-11-19at43119PM.png http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y188/chellec1219/ScreenShot2012-11-19at43127PM.png http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y188/chellec1219/ScreenShot2012-11-19at43141PM.png http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y188/chellec1219/ScreenShot2012-11-19at43149PM.png http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y188/chellec1219/ScreenShot2012-11-19at43158PM.png
  16. The 32 inch for $147? I came home from work just now and saw it with a wait list button underneath. Clicked it and it went right to the purchase page. But I think I'm going to let it go and hold out for the $97.
  17. Is anyone doing the wait list from their phone? I've done it in years past on my computer. Today I'm on my iPhone looking on the website and the Amazon app in the Black Friday section and haven't seen it... Just curious.
  18. Wow, same thing happened to me. That was weird!
  19. Wondering the same here...
  20. In the top right corner of the Kmart box on the online tracker page it says the sale starts Thurs 6am EST but underneath that and here it says 5am... Is this a typo or a time zone issue? Thanks! ETA: I just saw that your post says CST, so answered my own question. Sorry!
  21. It's much appreciated. Can't wait!
  22. So do we anticipate that they'll be lightning deals? I don't recall if they've sent out info to Brad like this in years past. I'm interested in that $97 tv
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