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Everything posted by bargnshopnmama

  1. bargnshopnmama

    movie list

    I know there typically is a chart posted comparing prices are movie titles...anyone know when that is going to be up?
  2. I'll have to look into the Fire! Isn't there a new one coming out or that just came out? I think it comes with a trial of prime as well.
  3. I'm just looking for some opinions here. We have a wii and a ps3 in our home (not ready to spend more money to upgrade to a newer system yet). However, we are looking into buying something for our son for either his birthday or Christmas. He turns 6 on Thanksgiving day! The dilemma is choosing what to get. I'm wanting something that is portable so he can use it on the go, and also so he's not wanting to fight over the tv all the time. He's really into Pokemon right now so we've considered getting him an older model of the ds. I was looking online at gamestop and vintage stock and these games are still 40 bucks a pop used! I'm not really wanting to shell out a bunch of money for something and then not be able to afford all of the expensive games so do I go with a tablet geared toward kids instead? I figure at least that should have some free games on it and then buying a few every now would be much more affordable. Also having learning games would be a huge benefit. If i go the way of a tablet, what should I get? I have a nook color myself and I admit it doesn't get any use anymore. Because you can't access the android market on it the apps are very limited and expensive. Recommendations or opinions?
  4. As far as whether or not to shop at stores that have already been breached, I feel like there is no reason they should be avoided. Breaches could happen anywhere, and like someone had previously stated those stores are probably working hard to secure their systems to keep it from happening again. I'm one of those that doesn't have any credit cards and I refuse to carry a big amount of cash on such a huge shopping day, plus I'll probably do most of my shopping online so I'll just have to use my debit card and pray for the best!
  5. dang, I coudn't think of one that goes with e, so i'll use m Mele Kalikimaka
  6. #1. What do you mean the cash registers are down? I don't have time for this! #2. The guy with the mullet stole my Joe Dirt dvd! #3. Hopefully if I play badly enough it will drive people away from line....
  7. i can only wait for 2 1/2 more hours and then i'm on my way to kmart to pick up the 97 dollar tv!!!! Trying to talk dh into staying up and doing it for me while i'm gone lol
  8. things tend to get a little twisted when you haven't had much sleep, i know i've been doing amazon and stuff the past few days so i'm pretty out of it lol
  9. My bad, I didn't mean it was fishy of you elena_398. I meant it was fishy of the person that posted on targets website. Sorry for the mistake. so
  10. And i know i'm probably reading too much into it, but i thought it was kind of fishy that someone posted a bad review of the camera on targets side within the past couple days. Makes me think that maybe that person is wanting it and trying to deter people away from getting it so they have more of a chance of scoring one, who knows lol
  11. i'm gonna be so mad if i can't get the nikon for sale price online
  12. I'm waiting for that one too! The only thing I know is they will be opening at 6am. And I heard a rumor that flannel is going to be on sale for 2.00 yd
  13. BUMP Does anyone know about this yet?
  14. thats what i'm wanting to know too. do they even have an ad that comes out?? i tried to look online for years past and didn't see anything. Seeing that ad will determine my whole game plan.
  15. i agree, things are looking pretty lackluster this year. i see a few things im interested in, but nothing worth staying up all night and fighting crowds for. also, is it just me or has prices gone up this year?? kohls was especially disappointing. everything requires mail in rebates. i dont have time to mess with those....let alone i wouldn't remember.
  16. What's not to love? The bonding experience with my black friday buddy, the anticipation and adrenaline rush. The gobs of money I save on deal$, and the camaraderie and spirit of fellow black fridayers I meet in line. Also, stalking Gottadeal a million times a day to see what ad is being published. Thanks for all the hard work you do!!!!!!!!
  17. Just a heads up, last year I bought a soundbar that was on sale at Walmart. Turns out it wasn't compatible with our plasma tv. It did not have the correct input/out jack to support it. Anywho, we tried to return it right after Christmas. We were told that Walmarts new policy did not permit the return of black friday items after like a two week time frame. I complained because there were no signs or notice given of the new policy. The manager did give us after money back after jumping through hoops, What if you bought an expensive item for someone else and they already had it? This policy does not make any sense to me. I will not be spending my hard earned money at Walmart this year if this is how they are going to treat customers. Just wanted to let everyone know...
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