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  1. Thanks, went though for me with Chrome
  2. It's out of stock again, just tried to purchase it. Did find it at Amazon.com for $1449.99 with free shipping. Jen
  3. Well, that's intesting. Thanks for helping! Don't think I have enough for the free shipping. Oh well, guess I can't also use a coupon :-)
  4. Anyone have one? I get them all the time, but now that I'm ready to order I can't find one...it's that just how it always goes
  5. I'm getting the candyland game, Baby Tad Frog <---excellent price on both.
  6. They just built one 20 mins from here. I love that store! Don't think I need anything from there, but for 10% I might just have to stop by. I guess we can pop in early and then go there later. Thanks for posting! Jen
  7. Cool, just order myself a few things.
  8. cool, hubby was going to place an order today!!
  9. I got 4 shirts and a cute jumper for $60 how cool. Thanks for posting this! Jen
  10. Target has it for $14.99 plus you are suppose to get a free bag of Wonka donut candies. There were three of us scouring the candy isle and no one could find that stinking candy. I hate when they do that!
  11. All wonderful causes! Maybe next time you can consider NDSS (National Association of Down syndrome, www.ndss.org) This charity is close to my heart as I have a child with Down syndrome. Thanks for doing this!!! It's so nice to you everyone interested in helping out. Jen
  12. We get just the door busters and run to the check out. Then go back at night or on Saturday for the other stuff that is on sale.
  13. I love that site. It's a great way to get rid of the stuff that I just can't throw out because it's still good. Jen
  14. Thanks for posting!!! Target is my second home, so I'm anxiously awaiting to see what they put on sale. Jen
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