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Everything posted by msomnipotent
I don't know how I've lived my life without a wine gourd. It is nice to see uncommon gift ideas, but this list is kind of weird.
My 9 year old GE Profile just broke and I was quoted $1,000 for the compressor, if they could get one. I was told that it was made with Samsung parts and they are hard to get still. The salesman at Best Buy said that both Samsung and LG are better with replacement parts but only if you are an authorized repair shop. Whirlpool was recommended to me, so I bought the WRX916 model. I have had 2 within the past 3 or 4 weeks and I can't stand it. The first one never worked. The second one is keeping the food cold but has all kinds of problems and is waiting for parts that are estimated to take 5-6 weeks. I have had 3 repair visits from 2 different companies and Whirlpool won't do anything other than send people out. I'm ready to buy an import and take my chances with parts. The thing that is making it hard for me is that all these new fridges have all kinds of shelves that do nothing but take up space and cannot be removed. There are two narrow sliding shelves in my new freezer and the bottom part is sectioned off for pizza boxes and whatever else. It takes up so much space that I can only fit a few things in there. All of the fridges I looked at were like this. It drives me nuts. It seems like all the companies went nuts with bells and whistles and forgot about usable space. I wished I paid to have the old fridge repaired at this point. I have purchased appliances on BF before and got a good deal, but there is usually a long wait time because of backorders. It was almost March when I finally got my washer and dryer last year.
Post Amazon Deals & Win a Fire HD Tablet or Gift Card [Winners Posted]
msomnipotent replied to Brad's topic in 2017
These alternative down comforters look exactly like the ones Kohls has for $37-$49.99 right now, and they are a lot cheaper. https://www.amazon.com/Amrapur-Overseas-Alternative-Microfiber-Reversible/dp/B00U85D8J2/ref=gbph_tit_m-2_da47_063dea39?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=ea2dda18-1662-4a15-8a12-6e22deedda47&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-2&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_i=384082011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=J8MF00ZNX2XVX0ZSBAZB I ordered the blush for my daughter. The queen sizes are $19.99. -
Lol! I know. I just give up on getting gifts. I really enjoy giving them, so at least I still have fun.
Sorry not to respond sooner. I first saw them in an ad with the Sunday coupons last week. Amazon has them if you don't want to mail order directly from Silly Socks. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B015JIBIDA/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I2KPHHM14WXA9K&colid=3CSLECCQVJQOL&th=1 I love the light blue ones, but we are cutting it really close to Christmas if we have to order from the UK.
I bought my aunt several different varieties of blooming teas over the years. They never look as good as the pictures, unless my aunt is doing something wrong. A lot of them don't "bloom". They still taste good, though! My aunt really likes those fancy boxes that hold several flavors, like the restaurants have. Amazon has a few, and I have bought little demitasse spoons shaped like different tea pots as gifts that have gone over well.
I'm buying my daughter the Silly Socks that look like Converse high tops. It will either be a big hit or she will hit me with them. I found a water bottle that looks like a bowling pin and a pen that is pin shaped. I've never ordered from the company, though. http://shop.bowlersparadise.com/bowling-gifts Does the bowling alley she bowls at sell gift cards?
I don't see any problem with regifting if it is done thoughtfully. If you get a gift and think that I would like it more, sure I will take it. I also regift the birthday gifts my daughter doesn't like to give to her friends. I would go broke buying a new gift every time. I hate it when regifters give obviously used things or something that obviously wouldn't work for me. Someone gave me a Christmas scented bath set where two of the bottles were obviously used and the box was cracked for my birthday. My birthday is in the summer. I have a feeling that it wasn't even from that past Christmas, either. I also received a salmon sampler gift box. I am deathly allergic to seafood.
No free robe with perfume purchase this year? My daughter will be displeased.
Post Amazon Deals & Win a Fire HD Tablet or Gift Card [Winners Posted]
msomnipotent replied to Brad's topic in 2017
https://www.amazon.com/gp/dmusic/promotions/AmazonMusicUnlimited/ref=sv_dmusic_0 Three months of Amazon unlimited music for 99 cents for new subscribers. My daughter was just asking to download some Itunes, so this will save a ton of money for 3 months. -
Post Amazon Deals & Win a Fire HD Tablet or Gift Card [Winners Posted]
msomnipotent replied to Brad's topic in 2017
For those of us with kids that are addicted to making slime, I give you a gallon of Elmer's glue delivered to your door for $9.34. These are usually $14 at the stores by me. https://www.amazon.com/Elmers-Glue-All-Multi-Purpose-Liquid-Strong/dp/B0038DZZJC/ref=gbps_tit_s-3_af4e_a7c45608?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=f113943e-1d84-4883-b871-13290264af4e&pf_rd_s=slot-3&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_i=gb_main&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=35YW3KK6TZVXCC4VQVQQ I'm buying 3. These back scratchers are the best. I have purchased 2 packs so far and I'm buying more for stockings. I usually pay $12 per pack, but now they are $9.95 for 12 scratchers. https://www.amazon.com/Wooden-Back-Scratchers-Dozen-Playscene%C2%99/dp/B01AKGUR92/ref=pd_sim_121_6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=W1EK73BFTSS4XTEGMYQE -
You should see how many 50 lb bags of bird seed that fly out of Farm and Fleet. I thought I was being a little piggish when I loaded 5 bags into my cart, and then an employee asked if I needed help loading more. I saw 5 pallets disappear in a few minutes and they just kept bringing more. I'm wondering if it will be on sale this year since I have seen it for the $10 BF price a few times this year.
I managed to get a great 150 gallon aquarium last year for a great price (I used credit card points for a Petsmart gift card, so I only really paid $100), but this year isn't that great for the things I buy. Menards has the Arm & Hammer litter for the same price every few months. Farm and Fleet just had a great sale on Pro Plan two weeks ago, so I stocked up for the dog and the cats. The Fancy Feast is a decent price. Don't forget that Petsmart takes competitor coupons like Pet Supplies Plus, and we got an extra 15% off last week for downloading their app. I'm not positive that they will still have the app coupon on BF, but it doesn't hurt to keep an eye out for it.
I have an aunt that is hard to buy for. Last year I got gift certificates for her and my daughter to go get their nails done. I think I will go with some herbal teas, two fancy tea cups, a couple of fancy snacks, and a classic movie on DVD so they can have some more girl time together.
I would definitely do bath things for a 2 year old, like bathtub crayons or those little wind up toys that swim. Maybe a little candy like safety pops. My daughter doesn't really eat candy, so she gets a silver dollar every year, plus things like Eos or ELF and maybe a tiny scented candle and a gift card to the movie theater or I Tunes.
Taking the time to research the ads, add things to the online shopping cart, get the coupon codes ready, and then notice that they prices were raised and/or the coupon isn't as good as the one from the day before. It has happened to me 2 years in a row with JC Penney and Macys. I love the excitement of BF, but I rarely buy on that day anymore. A lot of things were cheaper that Wednesday for me, or closer to Christmas.
Rug Doctor or Bissel Steam Cleaner - are they on sale?
msomnipotent replied to cjdav's topic in 2017
I had both the Bissell Pro Heat and Hoover (I think Power Scrub). They are both pretty much the same. Both of ours only lasted 2 or 3 years, but they saw a lot of use. Once people know that you have a carpet shampooer, they want to borrow it. Both were broken by people that were borrowing it, now that I think about it. I wound up buying a much more expensive Rug Doctor pro model from Costco and so far, so good. Either of the two should be fine for your needs. I bought them from Kohls when on sale with the 30% off both times. You can check the BF archives for sale prices, but they go on sale every so often during the year. In fact, Kohls has them on sale right now. You can probably get a 30% off code somewhere. -
I'm seriously considering buying the Sennheiser HD558's for my daughter. They are currently $59.98 at Best Buy and have really good reviews. She already has a pair of Beats and keeps taking my Audio Technica ATH-M50s/LE pair, which I LOVE. If they weren't discontinued, I would really recommend them. I can't say that I love the newer ATH-M50x. They sound tinny to me, so now they sit in the car for when my daughter watches movies.
I tried wrapping early, but then my cat chewed off all of the name tags and bows. I had to unwrap practically everything because I like to put things in uniform boxes to make wrapping easier. I think I'm going to make my daughter and husband wrap everything this year, except their gifts.
He is just weird. I normally just shrug it off, but it seems to bother our daughter more and more. One year, he asked me why I wasn't opening anything and I asked him if he got me anything. I could practically see the light bulb going off in his head, but he still didn't get me anything the next year. I get him a few really nice gifts every year, so it isn't like we don't celebrate. He used to buy me gifts, but the last one was an Ipod with a picture of Johnny Depp as a pirate on the box so I think it was 2003.
I got a lot of flack when I posted a Hatchimal on a local site last year. A few thought that I should give it to them since they needed it more than me. Um, no. I spend a few hundred dollars every year on charity Christmas gifts as it is. I bought it with good intentions. My daughter just didn't want it. The kicker was that I wasn't even selling it! I was offering it as a trade. I eventually got a decent lawn mower for it. Nothing special and it was old but in good condition. I feel it was a very fair trade, but some people don't think things are fair unless they get something out of it.
I might buy a new Coach purse for my husband to give me for Christmas. If I don't buy anything, I don't get anything and my daughter gets upset for me. But what I really need is a new washer and dryer. Or a new minivan. My Outback is only a 2015 but I really hate it and my elderly relatives have trouble getting in and out of it. I drive them all over since I'm the only housewife of the family.
We are still rocking a 720p Panasonic plasma from 13 years ago. Nothing is wrong with it, but it is starting to shabby compared to the newer ones and we could put the plasma at our cottage. This might be the year we replace it, but I worry about the software or hardware becoming obsolete. We tend to buy the best we can afford and then keep it until it breaks, so is there might be a possibility that whatever company we buy from stops supporting "the insides"?
My sister works at Walmart, and I have become friends with many of her coworkers. All of them want to work on Thanksgiving. The majority of their Christmas shopping is paid for with the extra holiday pay. I came from a lower class, blue collar family and working on holidays was just a fact of life. I worked at a gas station, a restaurant, and a hospital. I worked every holiday from the time I was a teen until I married and became a housewife. Most of my family had similar jobs. I don't think that some people realize how many people have to work holidays. You wouldn't be able to use electricity or water if people didn't work the holidays!
I love that snowman. Now that I think about it, I did see outdoor icicle lights and bows at Costco last month. It just didn't register with me. I think if I would have seen the snowman, I might have bought it.