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Everything posted by pbbjmom

  1. We showed up about 6:30 and was about the 6th in line. They didn't have any Crash Bandicoot games in the store. That was my main reason for going. But I did pick up Ms. Pacman, Chicken Shoot, Bambi, Are We There Yet?, Kenny chesney, Mariah Carey & Now 20 CD's. Oh, and the makeup kit for my daughter. That's about it. They ran out of the movies very fast! When I left there were still plenty of Chou Chou dolls & board games. Wasn't near as bad as last year.
  2. I'm going to be freezing my hiney off! Thursday night low is 13 & the high for Friday is 34 here in Southern OH.
  3. I called my local Target, they don't PA.
  4. pbbjmom

    Your first stop

    I'll be in Chesapeake, OH then crossing the bridge to Huntington, WV. No outlet stores around me. Good luck!!!!
  5. I shower the night before. Before I leave I pull my hair in a ponytail, and put on some makeup. Throw some jeans on and I'm out the door.
  6. pbbjmom

    Your first stop

    Fighting for the Care Bears, Little People Sets, Mermaid Barbie & Cabbage Patch Baby here. :-) Then hitting Target & the mall. Hubby is going to Circuit City for me first thing. He couldn't believe it when I told him what time he had to be there. lol
  7. I was in KB Toys today and saw quite a few of the Weeble Town Center priced 19.99 which is what the BF ad says. That was one of the things I was going for. Couldn't get it today, had the kids with me, but I'm going back tomorrow to pick it up. They may have had a few other things, I'm not sure. I do know the Darth Vadar Changer is still marked regular price though. It's also on my list.
  8. 13 yr old daughter: MP3 Player Stereo for her room New comforter set CD's American Eagle Digital Camera Clothes Shoes 9 yr old son: Gameboy SP Gamecube games (Zelda!!!) Zelda outfit (where to find that?!?) Telescope XBox Batman toys Skateboard 6 yr old daughter: Bratz Barbie Horse Head Barbies Trampoline Purse Baby Dolls Clothes Baby Stroller Soon to be 2 yr old son: Still not talking but LOVES Little People Balls Anything with wheels Wiggles guitar (played with it forever in KB Toys the other day) Some of the items, poor Santa ran out of though! LOL I do try and get what my budget allows. I try and get most on the list and then some other items I know they will enjoy even though it's not on the list.
  9. Freeze my butt off, talk to my sisters & everybody around us. We make sure we have our game plan down pat. It does help to chat with those around you, we've had them help us inside as well as us help them. Did that make any sense??? LOL
  10. Not a coffee drinker, too cold for pop, so looks like hot cocoa for me!
  11. Hubby was going to watch them, but I'm sending him to Circuit City for me. They'll be with an older sibling until he gets back.
  12. My sisters and I usually stop by this great Chinese buffet by the mall. We're usually starving by then! lol
  13. Thanks! Usually when I mention it, I get looked at like I'm a loon. LOL
  14. I know several people who think I'm crazy for shopping on BF. I told a lady I knew about the Care Bears, her daughter adores them, and I got a very polite thank you. I could tell she had no intentions of going. I have 4 kids & BF is how they get a good Christmas. My youngest turns 2 this Thanksgiving day. He was born in the wee hours Monday morning before BF, I was out there that Friday morning shopping at 5:00 a.m. I paid for it the next several days, but my kids got a good Christmas & I had a blast.
  15. We have every game system except for XBox. My kids ages range from 2-13. The younger ones love the gamecube, they enjoy the Zelda games. I haven't really noticed much of a difference in the 2 systems, but I guess I haven't really paid that much attention. DH prefers the PS2, he likes playing the Madden games online. I enjoy RPG games & they both have a pretty good variety, though PS2 seems to have more.
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