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  1. Does anyone else think the new Christmas commercial where the lady is mocking Santa Claus and tells him that maybe he can fill the dogs stocking is disrespectful, tasteless, and uncalled for? With me trying to be a good parent and teach my kids right, this makes it very difficult because all they see on this commercial is that Christmas is materialistic holiday. When we are kids there is a certain magic that we believe in. This commercial just gave the magic of christmas a slap in the face. I wrote corporate a email to express my disgust but it probably will not make a difference. Since I am a parent who cares tremendously about my kids I have decided that as long as they keep running this commercial I will not be giving Best Buy any of my families hard earned money.
  2. So my question is how early is too early to start camping outside a Best Buy? Down here in San Antonio, TX at a Best Buy located in the Alamo Ranch Shopping center there are people that have been there since last week. There are different people who say different times when they arrived. I know that they were there by last Tuesday because my mom called and told me that there was a tent outside of Best Buy with two ladies inside of it. Some people have been saying that they have actually been out there since Saturday November 13th. Now don't get me wrong I do participate in Black Friday but I have never seen anything that would make me miss a day of thanks with my family. What could be so important that would make you waste almost 2 weeks of your life outside a best buy?
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