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  1. Does anyone remember if the cell phones were included in Early Access last year? My daughter needs a new phone (kicking myself for not getting in early on the daily deal yesterday) and the Samsung with $250 GC looks good enough to me (ATT doesn't give me anything for upgrading after all lol). They had the same deal a couple of weeks ago but she was trying to get the phone she has fixed by the mall kiosk that broke it. No luck so we are stuck getting a new one.
  2. In for the Trap Team. Question: Since that same set will be going on sale tomorrow at Walmart can I just call BB Customer Service when that happens and get a price adjustment or do I have to physically go into the store to do that?
  3. It must have been something to do with my work internet. I was able to grab some from my phone. I haven't received confirmations yet but they did say they went through.
  4. Anyone else having issues with the site? My card is fine but the site keeps saying they cannot process my transaction.
  5. What kind of deals do Elite members usually have access to? I am new to BB Black Friday this year but would like to maybe get the Sony Blu Ray player, the Skylanders Trap Team, and Disney Infonity Marvel Superheroes. It would be nice to be able to check those off my list early.
  6. My niece is at the Herkimer, NY store right now and has picked up Skylanders for Xbox and Wii for her son and mine!!!! Thanks GottaDeal! I'll be getting up early tomorrow to hopefully get a Connect Four and Doggie Doo game before work.
  7. Question: If I have the Frito Lay coupon for $10 off Skylanders Swap Force and I order online for Store Pickup will they take the coupon at pickup?
  8. Thank You!!
  9. Thanks Melissa! Love your avatar BTW.
  10. If you look at Walgreens, they have a better deal on iTunes cards IMO. Buy 2 $25 cards and get a $15 Walgreens card (which you could turn into another iTunes card). Might be a naive question but what do you think the odds are that they will have the 3DS XL online? It is the same price as a refurb one off the Nintendo site. I am tempted to just go with the refurb frankly.
  11. Erggh...I did not get the Target Toy Catalog yet!!!
  12. So far Rite Aid is looking like the best ad I have seen. I am kind of into that 5 foot tall Santa. I might try to get one. DH will kill me lol. Lots of good deals on various staples and I will now have time to look for coupons for those items too.
  13. So happy about this deal being offered again this year!!!!!!
  14. I would like to get that Swap Force set but I can only assume it will be around that price most everywhere. I am not hauling my cookies 45 minutes to the nearest TRU at 5 pm on Thanksgiving Day.
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