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  1. May each of you have good health, prosperity and peace in this new year! Happy New Year!
  2. Thanks for my ornaments. Goes well with my trees.
  3. Thank you Secret Santa for my goodies. I’m going to try and hold off until Christmas to open everything. Well not the Payday’s. They’ll get eaten way before then
  4. Glad you’re ok and it wasn’t worse. Praying for God speed healing.
  5. Wow it's already December. As we all gear up for the holidays I wish you all an amazing December full of fun, fellowship and happiness.
  6. Hey everybody!
  7. I really like participating in this. It’s a great way to connect with people from all over. Shopping for someone you have never met but know that the items will put a smile on their face. Receiving cards from across the states and placing them around our Christmas tree next to the cards we receive from family. Just know that I appreciate this group and I wish the best to all.
  8. Sorry to hear this news. I pray you have God speed healing and recovery.
  9. Started decorating our home this past Sunday 11/3.
  10. It’s the cotton candy machine for me. What’s a Christmas without some type of gift that’s about making some type of dessert.
  11. Got my prize Brad, thanks. Happy November everyone!
  12. It’s October, so that means it’s almost time! Whoop whoop.
  13. I hope everyone had a great summer. It’s September so that means it’s football time.
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