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Everything posted by genoandkiddo

  1. Menards will price match for certain Items. They do not pm for tools, christmas items or % off. One thing that Menards does is if you buy something from them a week before BF and the item you bought is on sale they will reimburse you for the sale price. So in other words you don't need to do the buy/return/rebuy thing because they will give you the sales price. BUT make sure you have your receipt. Last year I bought my hubby some tools ten days before bf, when the ad came out I was a little disappointed because I paid alot for the tools, but the ad had them at a much cheaper price. I took my receipt on BF and they paid me the difference. That gave me a little more money for bf. LOL.
  2. If those items are correct, Anyone with a BB in their area let me know!!!!! I have gone to McDonalds a few times and have several BB dollars. I don't have a BB in my area. They expire sometime in Dec. PM me with your address and I will send them to you. You might just be able to get that DVD player for 18.99 or even cheaper. If those items are correct.
  3. lotr1967, Actual if you look in the Past BF Experiences, there are several people, including myself who are talking about menard's. It is the best store to hit on BF. I am so excited to look at the Menard's Ad. You forgot about the candles for 1.98 and the smaller ones for .99. Last year they had pumpkin pie spice scented candles I bought a few. A few years ago they had the jars with the cookies and hot chocolate diy's for 1.98. I bought several of those(infact I still have some). They make great presents for those people who give you something that you don't expect. Yes there are several people here who LOVE, LOVE, LOVE MENARDS.
  4. LOL keebelf, I have a 3yo daughter who did the same thing. Infact she's the one who told me not to forget the pumpkin patch. The mall sounds fun and warm. The pumpkin patch is a hay ride where you hear the ghostly tales of the town(Alot like the movie "Hollow" on ABC family The only difference is no one dresses up for the parts). Then at the end, they weigh the biggest pumpkin and then the kids get to carve or paint a pumkin. They always give out big candy bars. It is really fun. My 11yo is going to go with her friend. This will be her 1st time going alone. I am so nervous.
  5. Okay, so in other words I am getting old and my brain, has gone to slush. Anyone going to some halloween party's? I am for the girls at school then Tomorrow they are having a family one at the restaurant. Then off to tour the haunted houses and I am not suppose to forget the pumpkin patch. It's so hoky, but this starts the season for us.
  6. chaoz, how soon can you get the staples ad? Have you heard when it will come out?
  7. Well I don't know about the actual ads, but I can tell you from working at WM, they know a few months in advance what is going to be on sale and how much they are saling the item for. In fact we had a bf meeting, every Oct 1st.
  8. Don't get me wrong, you have to wrap some presents, I mean Santa only brings gifts that are wrapped in Santa paper right? For my family, Yes I will admit it is fun for them. But for everyone else, I just put the item in a bag, put some tissue paper in it and sign the card and voila your done. I try not to put more stress on myself. BAG IT!BAG IT! BAG IT! But you are right, for your family it is fun, otherwise Christmas Morning would be boring.
  9. What do you thinking is holding them up? Do you think it is the problems like last year? I mean, weren't there some out already, or am I just getting old?
  10. Hey you all newbies. This is just my opinion, But this is the Best Forum. It is alot more friendly than some others. Feel free to discuss black friday. Feel Free to be excited. Feel free to be upset that the ADS haven't come out yet. I wish they were out.
  11. I think the ads will come out after the election. What do you think, Brad and Rossman?
  12. I use to like it, but then I found an easier way to get the odd presents wrapped without actually wrapping them. So then it turned to loving the bags so much, that I look for deals on Bags. I just have too many people to buy for. I really don't have much time any more with wrapping. I do wrap the girls's presents and some but for the most part, I Bag it.
  13. snips, I did that a few years ago, I stayed up all night didn't sleep at all, but when we got home, I was so tired I couldn't enjoy what I bought. So now I take a nap on thanksgiving, then go to bed around midnight and make myself get at least two hours. I mean really who sleeps on BF eve any way? I just can't stay up all night. I get to funny. But if you can, you go!!!!!!!
  14. Went to Menard's today, found the workbench for hubby, but I am going to wait until BF. LOL. But I saw they are already gearing up for Christmas. Anyone Here not like wrapping presents? I have two words: BAG IT .
  15. LOL, you are right, I wasn't thinking about when you are in the store you always see something that you forgot. YOU ARE SO RIGHT, MY BAD. I am sorry I am just too excited for the dang ads. DUHHHHHHHHHH! kiddo makes and L on forehead and laughs to herself.
  16. Why does that happen. Mine has grown from a couple of things to about six. When will it end. Of course if the ads aren't good this year, then I can always take things off.
  17. Me too, I got three costumes last year. Really cheap. I guess I have to wait until BF, but you know what that'll be okay.
  18. I too am looking for a digicam.
  19. Starshine, No bratz dolls for 5. I didn't look at kmart though, The only thing WM had was Shrek dolls for 4, And some bead craft sets that is it. But Menard's had their halloween stuff on sale for 50% off. Next week Kmart will have theirs for 90% off. I am there.
  20. I tell you one store I will never wait in line for and that's Taget. It must have been 3 or 4 years ago. We had already gone to Kmart , Menard's and We had decided that Target had better sales than WM. While we were waiting in line, someone came out and was asking people if they had a Target card. I have one so I said I had one. I was after there boom boxes, and some christmas pj's for my girls. My MIL saw them first and yelled at me to get one quick. So I did. We were in Target a total of 30 minutes. That includes the check out time. While we were checking out they asked us again if we wanted a Target card. No I said and paid for my stuff with cash. As we were leaving another person ask us if we wanted a Target card. WHAT? Hello, I have one. If I want to use it. I do. Anyways to make this long story longer LOL. On christmas morning we unwrapped the boom box and tried it, well the Dern thing did not work, the volume button was messed up. Oh man, let me tell you I was so mad, that the next morning, I took it back of course, but they would not let me exchange it because they didn't have anymore. Okay so I was out a 20, but that is not all. 2 years ago, my MIL bought a DVD player and it broke. I am not saying that all Target's stuff is bad, but heed the warning when it comes to their "sales for electronics" Be ware. Oh and grab them by the throat when they ask three times "Would you like to sign up for our Target Credit Card?"
  21. Hey, last year WM had those inflatable lawn decorations for $25, Do you think this year they will be about the same price? If so I am going to get the Holmer Simpson. I just think that would be cool. Man does my list grow or what?
  22. What branch are you in? If I am not being to personal. My hubby was in the Air Force, my brother is now, My parents and Hubby's father were. I think that would be a great Idea. I don't know how well that will work, but there's nothing wrong with trying it.
  23. I would love to show you pictures of my sox, but our digital camera, well let's just say it had an accident. Need to buy one on BF. Until then I've been using my dinosaur 35mm.
  24. No shanni, you are not the only one. I do that too. I get up early as well. It is a sickness and I am glad that I have it. I am just glad that it is not the FLU! LOL.
  25. Yes it has hit ND. But Like I said The Northern Part. I am only two miles from the Canadian Border. So I am extremely North. It's pretty much melting though.
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