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Posts posted by NicM987

  1. 1. Approximately how many years have you been shopping on Black Friday? I think 8 or so.

    2. Do you plan to spend more, less or the same amount of money during Black Friday week this year? I always say less but it ends up being about the same as the previous year :)

    3. Do you plan on shopping online during Black Friday week this year? Yes!

    4. How many people do you plan on shopping with on Black Friday this year? Just my parents, so 2.

    5. If you could make stores change one thing about Black Friday besides opening times, what would it be? Specifically Wal-Mart checkout lanes. They're always a disaster!

  2. My Wal-Mart did a great job this year! There wasn't any crazy chaos, surprisingly.


    I arrived at Wal-Mart around 4:45pm. They started letting people take items (obviously not the bigger items) around 5pm. It was actually really nice to be able to load up your cart with stuff without having to wait for the sale to start at 6pm. I walked around and grabbed what I needed (home items, a few toys, kids clothes, DVD's, etc) and then joined the checkout line. They started checking out at 6pm and I was checked out by 6:30pm.


    They had only 1 of the 50" 1-hour guarantee TV'S in stock (odd). But they had tons of those cards to order it online and receive by Christmas. They handed it out to everyone in the line and then handed out the extras to anyone who walked up and asked for one. People seemed pretty happy about that. I ended up picking one up too (couldn't beat the price).


    I also went to Kohl's - good experience. I did go late though so I'm sure that helped. Walked in around 10:30pm. Still had a lot of stuff left and the line was long but organized. By the time I was ready to checkout (about midnight), there was no line.


    Other than that, I shopped online. :) But I had great in store experiences this year too!

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  3. I placed an order yesterday for a little over $100.00 and I got the email for 30.00 Kohls cash. Today I got a notification that an item in my order could not be fulfilled. Does anyone know if my Kohls cash will still be valid?


    That happened to me with a Kohl's order I placed last month. I still got to keep my KC. Hope you get to as well!

  4. This time last year I had several things perchased already from them. This year I haven't seen anything I need/want. And I agree with the whole calendar thing. It is frustrating they changed that. 




    This new method has deterred me from buying this year like I did in previous years. Usually I'd have picked up some things by now based on the calendars. I haven't bought anything yet, mostly because I haven't had the time to monitor the lightning deals 24/7.

  5. i ordered a kitchenaid mixer 4.5qt (229 with 15%off) i got another pair of earrings for 9 bucks for i could recieve an extra 10 dollar in kohls cash.

    i ended up paying 216 total but i got 60 in kohls cash plus 50 rebate but im wondering if tomorrow they release the 20%off can i cancel my order and save a couple more bucks or am i risking not being about to get the mixer at that awesome price? 



    anybody else having this dilemma?


    My orders are already in fulfillment/one has been shipped so I personally wouldn't be able to do this. That 20% would have been nice though :) But I'm not sure it's worth the hassle for me!

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