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Needs a deal

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About Needs a deal

  • Birthday 10/04/1990
  1. I hope it comes out tonight...
  2. Since Lowe's ad dropped will there be a webcast tonight?
  3. look on xbox.com they re marked down to 399.99
  4. Can I get a link to the video game list
  5. have you arent camping at all? this is a sad year. That is a true to me that black has changed and is dying, jim gives up!
  6. There will be many fights this yeAr at walmart. Enough saI'd.
  7. Are we having a show tonight?
  8. I'd help you out with that as much as I can hay
  9. 8 hour show please
  10. well since im a walmart employee i can give you my perspective. I will most likely have to work on both thanskgiving and black friday and i am a life time black friday shopper. I support my walmart with my life though. I feel sorry for people who bad mouth places that provide employement, benefits and a job.
  11. i was thinking that the $99.99 refurb xbox 360 looks like a good deal if you need it.
  12. Ill be there dev
  13. you can count me big jim!
  14. That moving dolly was looking fly!
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