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Everything posted by cutexianchick

  1. Went to 3 Targets... each one different! Dollar spot at all were 70%. Costumes and accessories at all were 70%. One store had an aisle FULL of dog costumes... thought that was wierd. Now for the food and candy: Candy was 50%. the food was all over the place... one store had the cereal at reg. price where the others at 50%. Cake mixes, Oreos, fruit roll ups and marshmellows were all betwen 50-70%, depended what store you were at. Im going tomorrow morning to see if it went 90 or not... not sure, cause our stores just went 70 today.
  2. Just got home from Target! So dollar spot was 70% off... had a ton of stuff left except for all the glow sticks/necklaces I bought! Candy was still at 30% off... but I bought two paks of M&M and used the Target coupon so it was like getting it for 60%. Everything else was still 50% off, costumes, accessories, food, including Oreos, cake mixes (none left), marshmellows, etc... I bought the last 2 boxes of boo berry cereal, and I also bought 4 cake mixes last night at 50% off and printed target coupons today and went in and they gave me the coupon credit so I got them for .18 cents each!
  3. Went last night... 50% off dollar spot and all halloween except candy at 30%. Ill go later on today, to check for 70
  4. At my Target yesterday... Backpacks and lunchboxes were 30% off. Odd and end toys ranged from 30-70% off. The brand that has Small pools/slip & slides kinda stuff was 30% off. Intex pools were 70% off, I picked up a 18 ft huge Intex metal pool yesterday (ive been eyeing them). This will replace our 15 ft one... cant wait to set it up and sell my old one on craigslist. FYI... I just have a suggestion if you buy a pool... Make sure there are no leaks, intex warranty wont cover till next season when most people will take them out to use. You need to know now that the pool is good to go!!
  5. 086022743 Dora Suds and style $7.18 (used 20% coupon) 086070057 Disney Rapunzel Tiara set $3.88 086070074 Disney Princess Tiana Sparkle $6.88 204040520 Harmonica $3.02 086070117 Disney Arial Magical Fountain $13.48 086070247 Disney Princess Tiana car $6.58 086070306 Disney cd player $4.48 204040549 Recorder (clarinet) $2.98 204120018 Princess Wands $ .88 Both Targets had a HUGE amount of Bras at 70% off!!!!!
  6. stopped by my local target tonight to check on toys. I was hoping things got marked down tonight, but they didnt. My store looks low on toys or at least stuff I am looking for. Most of the stuff my daughter is into is still at 30% so it will probably only go to 50% tomorrow. Im trying to figure out my timing... do I call out for work all day, or just leave around 10am (lol)?!?! I figure if I can get to my local one around 10am that should be safe and then head over to the bigger one. Good luck everyone!
  7. The two stores near me had a ton of them the other day and neither store would give them to me at clearance price even thou they knew it was summer clearance.
  8. Yea... glad you were able to grab it
  9. MOMLORI... they were holding it in the dressing room for me. They said they would only hold it until last night and would be putting it back out on the floor (Im guessing this morning). Here is the number if you want to call and check 626-629-1121, I would call now. Good Luck!
  10. Margarittaville Margarita Maker (072-04-1598). Azusa has one left and they are holding it for me. Its $60.00 (70%), let me know if anyone is interested in picking it up, they will only hold until tonight. I decided not to get it since I have a Ninja blender that is awesome AND I was hoping it would have been 90% off, haha
  11. I just used the inventory checker and Azusa and Baldwin hills have limited availablity... both when called only have one left. Baldwin said that is thier store display and they arnt able to sell it because it is not complete. Azusa cant find it, took my number and will call me if they see it and the clearance price was $59.98 (70%) So far, no one has any left... and I have checked probably 50 stores.
  12. thank you for the checker... this will be so much easier
  13. I too want to know what an inventory checker is or even better how to use it!
  14. Were they 90% off? Ill make that drive... LOL
  15. Im soo bummed I missed summer clearance. I went back yesterday to look for the "water babies deal"... both stores had a ton of both, all came up item not found and both stores wouldnt give it to me at the clearance price. I told them Ill even take it for 70% off instead of 90% HaHa... they knew they were marked that before. The last store actually called "upstairs" I could tell she wanted to give it to me... she offered me 20%, I left them. So bummed! I looked for that margaritaville drink maker... none toys at all three of my locals stores are standing at 30/50% off. Few things at 70%. I think I saw someone posted some of the water pools and slides were 90%... not here in So. Riverside County, CA!
  16. 3 pair of shoes at 70% off for my 5 year olds back to school wardrobe. No summer left here... I was too late. We had a few toys at 70% nothing I would even pay attention to (sorry I dont even know what they were but it was girl stuff).
  17. 70% off blue dot here too... said today would be the last day.
  18. Lovestoshop: I never need anything... Haha best of all my daughters dad was visiting (were divorced) called him while I was at target... Said do you have money with you, he's like yes... Okay then bring the truck and meet me at target. LOL Sooo needless to say, I lucked out on this deal in more ways than one!
  19. 70% patio stuff!! Went today, got a beautiful wood Bistro Set $125.00 (got an extra 10% off from display), Large Patio table $124.00, Med round Patio Table $33.00. I am so glad I made it... they said 70% sarted yesterday. They had about 5 gazebos left at about $115.00... about 3 Med round tables. Thats about it. I am going to go to murrieta later today just to see if anything is left. I am contiplating the gazebo...
  20. LovestoshopCA... Has your patio stuff gone to 50% or 70% off yet?
  21. Girls jeans 70% off random stores from Murrieta ca to Rancho Cucamonga... more 8-14 sizes. Also saw baby gear 30% too.
  22. dollar spot was 70% off yesterday with no signs!
  23. Just got back from Taget and black dot is now salvaged at my store. I found 2 big bags of the bunny gold fish for .19, down to 1 cart of stuff (yesterday was a half isle). Im happy, I think I only spent a total of $10 on Easter stuff this year and have tons for next year. =)
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