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Posts posted by keej

  1. On clearances such as the toys which bring in alot of people (Christmas probably does too), it would seem that they could bring in a team either abit early that morning or stay alittle late after closing to do the mark downs, so that it benefits all. The employees aren't rushed or bothered and the customers are happy because they come in and its done. Those are the days the team goes home early because they were in early. I wouldn't think it would take more than an hour if they weren't bothered, maybe even an half hour depending on how much etc? I know there were a few ladies shopping, I was just looking (for me Barbies, none to be found, I was sad I didn't find a Holiday Barbie but really didn't see them after Christmas even at 30%) yesterday and there were about 4 Target team members marking, though most was done when I got there at noon. I talked with one fella and ours still had 50% and he was laughing because they just put up the signs but when they were scanning, it was 70% and they hadn't changed the signs yet. It was not rushed and there were gaps so people had been in that morning. There were even a few lego sets left....I have two teens so no more toys and I am not doing toys for tots anymore (we didn't get boxes this year so not sure if they pulled out of our area or what happened)

    I agree. It could be handled better for everyone involved. In the 6 years I have shopped this sale it has been hit or miss on how each store handles it. Some places just do it better than others. Unfortunately for me, which store is doing it better changes every year.

    We didn't do toys for tots this year either, but instead I called a local homeless shelter that specializes in homeless families (families with children). They were more than happy to accept donations and were such a pleasure to deal with. I think I will continue to donate to them each year instead.

  2. SoCal, Lake Elsinore store was marked down yesterday morning... I wasnt able to get there until 11:30am and by that time 2/3 was gone (went the day before and the 1 1/2 isles were full). I was able to get a few things: Wooded activity table $27, Princess tiara plush doll and bath time doll and barbie fairy doll, Dora dress up clothes, Lots of disney's toy story and cars stuff, a few polly pockets (which I use for birthday grab bags). I am going to hit Murrieta after work today... probably not much left but it is worth a try!


    All of our Step Two stuff is still 30% off... they still had the big wheel, kitchen, water table and wagon.

    Good luck!! It is worth a try! We went last night and someone had just returned a Barbie Jeep! :) You never know what comes back!
  3. That is a bummer, but I can hardly blame them. If I was the store owner I wouldn't just refund because someone claimed it was left out of the bag. That is one of the reasons why they have the security camera. You can imagine how many similar calls they get every week. Plus they would need your receipt to give you a refund for it or to refund your credit card, so you would need to go back in in any case. It doesn't take that long for them to go over the tape. It is on the computer.




    Annoying as it is to have to wait, they are legally required to take breaks after a certain amount of time working. They can actually get fired for NOT doing so. I know a fair number of the local employees, and I've seen them in a panic running to clock out for break to avoid getting there late. And, they don't really have any obligation to scan the stuff once it is off the shelf. As far as they are concerned, once it is in your basket, you are planning to buy it. I know some of them can be passive aggressive over the whole thing, believe me. I've heard the stories of the employees getting nasty about people hovering to get their markdowns. But it sounds like they were just doing their jobs and having a normal work day. It just happened to be inconvenient for you because you were shopping with a small child and wanted to get stuff marked and leave. Store 2 I went to on the way to take DS to school and they had not started on the main aisle yet. I had about 5 things in my cart and asked them if they were going to be doing them soon, and they said they were taking their break. I had to leave to get him to school and had an appointment the other direction at 10, so I could not come back till after school. So, I put the cart over in a back corner of sporting goods and hoped for the best. I was shocked, absolutely shocked, when I came back at 3:30 and found that it was not only still there, but they had marked the items in my cart!! These were cool, big Thomas sets and everything. It was pretty amazing.


    One store I went to today had not started marking at 1pm. They were doing price changes of full price merchandise first. I pulled everything I wanted and then asked if they would be doing it soon. They didn't know and so one offered to ask her boss if she could mark them for me. They said no. So, I bought them at the higher price and will return them at one of my close stores to re-buy them at the lower price. I bought 2 of anything I was concerned about being able to get when it was returned to the floor.

    I am glad you were lucky and that things worked out for you.

    There is clearly a difference in needing to take a break and just being a rude- ours were just being rude. I swear without training I could have scanned the whole darn aisle in the time one woman scanned a shelf. The had a 5 minute discussion whether to take their break at that time or what until they were done, it was not a pressing time constraint. So, no, they weren't just doing their their jobs, they were working extra slow. I do take some offense to your assumption the only reason I was peeved was due to being there with a young child. Yes, that made it all the more offensive, but the other women there waiting without children were just as upset. Without being there is is hard for one to make assumptions about what happened. Besides, really- what is the difference if they scan an item in a cart or one on the shelf. It all has to be scanned- why does it make such a difference? Scan them and get folks out of the way seems to make way more sense to me. But that is just my 2 cents.

  4. Ugh, so the cashier didn't give me my Minnie Mouse purse set. I called and they said it wasn't anywhere to be found. Of course I wont find another back in toys since it is picked over.


    Now in order to even get my money back, they want me to come in with my receipt while the security guy is there so he can comb over security footage to see what happened with it THEN give me my money back!


    The trouble is not worth the $3 but it's the principle! And thanks goodness I didn't tell my daughter about it when I picked her up from preschool! What a bummer.


    Guess I didn't need the matching shoes I was hunting for!

    Well that doesn't sound fair to me!!!

    I had my own moment of displeasure with Target today, but yours beats it hands down. I was in the store at 8, mark downs had just started, 4 other women and I piled stuff up and waited for them to finish. None of us asked to put stickers on our stuff, we waited- well until they decided it was time to go on break while we all waited. We ended up talking to the manager (after waiting for a half hour) who promised

    they would come out and scan our stuff immediately... well that didn't happen. Until I raised a stink that I had been there with a 1 year old for over an hour waiting for them to scan 4 of my toys. *rollingeyes* So an hour and a half later I finally made it out of the store. I got some good deals but was really peeved. i would have been less peeved if they hadn't gone on break and left us just hanging.

  5. Hit the jackpot on scissors today. I bought 6 pair and had 3 $1.00 coupons (from last year when I couldn't find any). So I paid 19 cents in tax for 6 pairs of scissors. This was at the Ford road Target in Canton, MI. I left at least 6 more pair of scissors if anyone is still looking for them. No cheap tape though.


    Christmas was gone, but I did find a pack of stray napkins for 22 cents.


    The large Mickey Mouse head bowl was 99 cents (also 90% off) and I left those too. I had already bought a few in Ann Arbor. Oddly, the small Mickey bowl was 7.99.

  6. Wow, are those tissues located in the regular tissue aisle? My store shows limited availability so I'm assuming they must be pretty cheap there, too. I have to go there! lol


    They were on an endcap- The boxes say Laura Ashley and have a range of colors; cream box with pink and brown flowers, green with yellowish flowers, red with 5 yellowish circles (flowers??). I got a few of the striped boxes too when they were 44 cents.
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