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Everything posted by targetmom3

  1. After reading everyone's great TP finds, I had to run up to Target with all 3 of my kids and of course mine had no TP. But I did find a box of 24 glasses $3.98 and a box of Huggies size 5 diapers for $16.98 (minus $2 for a coupon $14.98) that is cheaper then the Target brand diapers.
  2. I went to Target this morning and the V-day stuff was still marked 75%, but was scanning 90%. I went back this afternoon so my son could pick out some of the cards and they still hadn't changed the signs, so nobody was buying it. I also noticed in the baby section there are two different sets of pj's that have hearts on them and look like they could be V-day, but they both rang up regular price. Has anyone found any V-day pj's clearance?
  3. I ran up to check at my store after reading that yours was 75% and mine was only 50%, but at least the candy was 50% too.
  4. Does anyone know any free shipping codes?
  5. I couldn't get the code to work. Does anyone know any other codes?
  6. These were 75% at my store yesterday, but they only had XL and 2XL left.
  7. When I went back some of the toys were marked down, but a lot of them stayed the same price. I did find 2 dolls and craft set for my daughter for about $5 each, which was 75% off. They also had an end cap full of picture frames for 75% off.
  8. They were marking them down when I was there this morning. I got a shower curtain, an area rug and a G.I. Joe Blanket all at 75% off. I'm going to go back after school and see if I can find more, I'll post all my dcpi #'s then.
  9. Thank you, I got 3 pairs of shoes and a shirt for $23 after shipping.
  10. I found a pink and brown stroller for $22.48 today. I needed this to replace the one my husband left out in the rain. It was the only one, but they also had 2 stroller carseat combo sets at 50% off. ###030091745 stroller $22.48 ###03111220 black & white christmas dress $4.48 ###031131385 the princess and the frog two piece set $4.24
  11. My husband did the happy dance today. We found a Barbie Jeep Power Wheels for 62.48 and 2 three wheel power wheels type motorcycles for 44.98 each. ###082030043 rand 12 volt 44.98 ###082030050 barbie jeep 62.48 We went to three other Targets in our area, but we didn't find anymore of them.
  12. If you are in the Orlando area the target at University and Goldenrod has some toys at 75%. Not all the toys were marked down, but I got a Smartcycle, the Rex dinosaur, Handy Manny Motorcycle, FurReal Elephant, and some board games and some smaller stuff about 2 hours ago.
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