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Everything posted by LisiLiz

  1. I was trying to purchase a lightning deal item, but the regular price is showing up at the final check out. Didn't want to hit "submit order" during the final check out page and then get screwed on the price. I missed out on my sons gift
  2. Anybody else having problems with TRU site? I can't get on from my phone
  3. I missed out on the $97 TV and the Nabi, didn't have good reception while visiting some friends. I still tried....maybe cyber monday will give me another chance
  4. Lol, Last year when I wore it people thought I was an employee at the store I was shopping in. Wasn't fun
  5. Anybody who missed the 32" Tv for $147 yesterday; Don't worry, it's coming baaaaack! (later today) Check out this 32-Inch 720p 60Hz LED HDTV for $147. Deal starts at 6:00 PM PST in
  6. So happy I got the 32" Tv yesterday for $147 and had a $5.00 discount offer in my cart that I forgot about I was at work and couldn't even attempt to get it. I had my dh on the computer. He did it! Now, looking for a tablet and some kid notebooks for the boys
  7. Done! Only doing my kids and hubby this yr. Hubby was laid off this yr and still not working. Saved soooo much money! One of his sisters has 7 kids :-O Just waiting for the boys gizmos and gadgets to come in. And eventually I'll start wrapping them up o_O
  8. LisiLiz

    Thank You

    U guys r amazing just the way u r :-P
  9. And just like that, its gone. All the anticipation, the crackhead deals, the F5-ing. awwww, no more waiting on the gotta deal blogs with other shoppers discussing the deals and then typing "its live" go-go-go! Such fun, see u in 2012 :-D
  10. if ur looking for a 32" tv, here's a link to walmart's 32" I missed my 24" deal from BB, but wanted the 32" and since that's not live yet, I had to go somewhere else http://www.walmart.com/ip/Element-32-ELDFW322/15105546?sourceid=09998901823140748309&wmlspartner=nFQfGaScW7s I got what I wanted off to bed, for an hour Thanks Brad! This site is awesome, Loooooove Gotta Deal, I'll be checking in for more stuff throughout the month
  11. Woah, just checked in. Misssed the 24" tv deal! damn! thats the one I wanted. Got the wii though! the 32" states "coming soon"
  12. oh, thats it! I'm done....goinna bed, not waiting for alaska!!!!!
  13. a-ve maria! comedy central is just not holding me down anymore.....oh fluffy....i'm too tired to laugh
  14. I'm spending my money in Kohl's apparently...OldNavy prices arent showing, looks like Kohl's is gettin my money....Come on BestBuy, ur such a tease
  15. Man! i leave this page for a second and I miss the chance to win a shirt, smh....can't even take a potty break, jeeez!
  16. everybody sleeping...and here i am tryna get these gifts for them, i gotta cook and then work tomorrow 2 and still go the stores at midnight. I swear! what we do to save some money, smh.....dont know how much longer I can hang in there
  17. Anybody else waiting on the wii package? this is an online only deal, this should be ready to go
  18. Has aaaannything been able to be checked out at the bf sales price?
  19. Well g'mornin to ya! sure-sure......get to the back of the line! lol
  20. I think that's the only reason I'm staying up. Cuz if i hear or see in these forums tomorrow that u guys got the deals I wanted and I missed them cuz I was sleeping I would be so mad. I would torment myself "if I stayed up I coulda got it cheaper, but nooo...i had to sleep."
  21. Yep, I'm watching that one 2...nada:(
  22. oh man! well, is there a list, some type of order?.....maybe I can bake a pie, I could start cleaning, or baking these cupcakes. Decisions-decisions!
  23. LOL, sounds like a plan! I'm running on coffee now 2....aaah, sugar and candy, what a combination!
  24. Yes, u could....but u wont! and miss the opportunity to get a tv at crackhead prices?! never lmao
  25. lol, but i have candy!
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